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经典专科、本科、硕博、研究生、期刊毕业论文 仅供参考 精心整理 仅供参考 勿用作商业用途 摘要 随着环境问题日益加重,环境保护已经成为一个重要的课题,新能源及新能源产品的开发进程也日益加快。2017年汽车行业走近新能源时代,新能源汽车飞速发展。现如今全国大多城市都在加大新能源公交车所占比重,公交车用的相关机械产品的需求也随之加大。当前发展前景对汽车制动系统助力的空压机也提出了较高的要求。滑片机相较于传统空压机,优势较为突出。滑片式空压机整机体积较小,噪音很低,可靠性高。同时寿命较长,因而更适用于新能源客车、机械制造、空调制冷、汽车制动等需要以及较小的领域。当前我国大部分空压机企业对此都有研究,但在核心技术方面较世界领先企业还有一定差距。那么核心部件定转子、滑片、油气路的设计校核,便是设计的重中之重。本文通过对滑片式压缩机的理论计算,三维建模,实验验证。对滑片式空压机进行了全面介绍和设计。 关键词:空压机;定子;转子;滑片;油气分离 Abstract With the growing environmental problem, environmental protection has become an important subject, new energy and new energy products increasingly to speed up the development process.In 2017 new energy vehicles in explosive growth, more and more automobile enterprises on the path of the new energy.Most cities in China now account for more than 50% of the total of new energy bus, bus with relevant mechanical products demand also will increase.The current prospects for development of automobile brake system power of the air compressor also put forward higher requirements.Compared with traditional air compressor, sliding vane compressor in on its advantages are obvious.Sliding vane air compressor machine has small volume, light weight, low noise, high reliability, simple operation, and therefore more suitable for the new energy bus, industrial production, trams, military industry, machinery manufacturing, refrigeration and air conditioning, auto brake and so on need and smaller areas.The current our country enterprise has research to this, most of the air compressor but in core technology is the world's leading enterprises have a certain gap.The core parts of rotor, vane, oil and gas road design, is the key of the design.This article through to the theoretical calculation of the sliding vane compressor, 3 d modeling, experimental verification.From the aspects of sliding vane compressor are introduced, and design. Key words: air compressor,The stator;The rotor;Sliding vane;Oil and gas separation 1.引言 1.1空气压缩机发展及现状 空压机是一种利用机械能将气体压力提升到机械装置。182


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