2021年高考【英语】一轮复习小题必刷21 Book 5 Unit 1 Great scientists(原卷版)(人教版).docVIP

2021年高考【英语】一轮复习小题必刷21 Book 5 Unit 1 Great scientists(原卷版)(人教版).doc

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2021年高考·小题必刷 精品资源·备战高考 『高考一轮·小题必刷』 『高考一轮·小题必刷』 『基础真题·逐一击破』 人教版必修五 狂刷21 Unit 1 Great scientists I. 单句填空 1. He tried to___________ forward, but he could hardly make any___________. (move) 2. Edison___________ a lot to the development of the world. I admire his great___________. (contribute) 3. He was___________ about making predictions for the success of the program, so we responded___________ to his decision. (cautious) 4. Mr Green___________ to his friends his engagement to Miss White. (announce) 5. Environmentalists say a critical factor in the city’s___________ is its population. (pollute) 6. Many people in that country were employed in the___________ or fishing industries. (construct) 7. Our carelessness has led___________ some cases in recent days. 8. Who is___________ for the shooting at a movie theatre in America?(blame) 9. Land used to grow crops feeds five times more people than land___________ animals are kept. 10. Be careful when you deal with this chemical, as it will explode when ___________to sunlight. (expose) Ⅱ. 完成句子 1. —Why is he feeling down today? —Because the suggestion he_________________ has been turned down. ——他今天为什么不开心? ——因为他提出的建议没被采纳。 2. Facts showed that only when they united_________________ the strong enemies. 事实证明, 只有当他们团结起来, 才能抵抗强大的敌人。 3. The bank manager_________________ really_________________ , though he tried to pin it on a clerk. 该真正受责备的是银行经理, 可是他却想把责任推到一个职员身上。 4. —I was surprised to see wild flowers in Alaska. —Many people think there is nothing_________________ ice and snow. ——在阿拉斯加看到野花我感到很惊讶。 ——很多人认为那边除了冰块和积雪就没什么了。 5. George Bush, the former US president, has taken up oil painting since he left the White House, revealing that painting_________________ his relaxed lifestyle. 自从离开白宫, 美国前总统乔治·布什喜欢上了画油画, 他说画画使他有了一个放松的生活方式。 6. When he came back three hours later, they were still sitting on the sofa, _________________conversation. 当他三个小时后回来时, 他们仍坐在沙发上, 聚精会神地交谈。 7. They, if_________________ too much violence, will just be aff



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