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关于团队的英语作文3篇 团队运动Team Sports 大学英语作文 Nowadays, there is a tendency for students to play team sports in school. Some are for fun; some are just for chasing fashion or something else. No matter what purpose they hold, it’s good for them to play team sports in school, because it can help them enlarge their social circle, bee more health, and learn teamwork. It’s a foundation for them to sueed in the future. ?? ?? ?? ?? 如今,在参加团体运动已经成为一个趋势了。有些是为了寻找乐趣;有些只是为了追逐时尚或别的什么。不管是什么目的,在学校里参加团队运动都是有好处的,因为团队运动可以帮助他们扩大自己的社交圈,变得更健康,学习团队协作。这为他们在未来取得成功奠定了基础。 ?? ?? ?? ?? First of all, playing team sports is a fantastic way to make more friends. When students join a sport team, it’s certain that they will know more people whom they haven’t seen before. And those people have a mon point that they are interested in sports. Moreover, training with a group of people who have the same interest is very easy for them to be friends. In other words, students enlarge their social circle by making friends with various people having same interest. It’s necessary to have a good social relationship if people want to have a good status in society after they graduate. ?? ?? ?? ?? 首先,团队运动是一种非常好的结交新朋友的方式。学生加入运动队后,他们一定会认识更多没有见过的人。这些人有一个共同点,他们都对体育运动感兴趣。此外,和一群有相同兴趣的人一起训练很容易让他们成为朋友。换句话说,学生通过与各种有着共同兴趣的人来扩大他们的社交圈。若想在毕业后有良好的社会地位人们就很有必要建立一个良好的 __。 ?? ?? ?? ?? In addition, there are many ways for people to keep healthy, and sports are an advisable way. As they are inclining on sports, they do practices frequently. As a result, they bee stronger, like gain muscle and look fit. And it’s true that people who often play team sports always look fit than those who don’t do exercise. The reason is simple. The more exercise people do the stronger they are. Therefore, disease is sure to go away from them. I believe many people agree that health is inevitable on the way of sueed. ??


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