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Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland;Lewis Carroll 刘易斯 卡洛尔 ,was a British author, mathematician, Anglican logician, and amateur photographer. Although he was a mathematician, he is best known as the author of Alice‘s adventures in wonderland and Through the looking glass . His books were popular among children and adults. They are distinguished as satire[讽刺] and as examples of verbal[口头的} wit{风趣}. He wrote mathematical works under his own name but for his childrens books he invented the pen-name Lewis Carroll ; It tells the story of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit-hole into a fantasy realm 想象的王国.Alice was begining to get bored.She and her sister were sitting under the trees.Her sister was reading,but Alice had nothing to do. She felt bored and slept at the gressland. ;Down the rabbit-hole; There was nothing really strange about seeing a rabbit. And Alice was not very surprised when the Rabbit said, ‘Oh, dear! Oh,dear! I shall be late.’ But when the Rabbit took a watch out of its pocket, looked at it ,and hurried on. Alice jumped to her feet. She ran quikly across the field after the Rabbit.;2;3 Conversation with a caterpillar{毛虫};VS;4 The Cheshire Cat;5 A mad tea-party;6 The Queen’s game of croquet{槌球}; ; The King and Queen of hearts were sitting on their thrones {宝座}when Alice and Gryphon arrived.There was a great crowd of birds and animals,and all the pack of cards. There is a tial court{预审法庭}and the end is that nobady admitted his etrrors. The Queen felt angry and her face turning red.”Off with Alice ‘s head”screamed the Queen .Nobady moved. “It dosen’t what you say,”said Alice .”You’re only a pack of cards.” ; Then the pack of cards flew up into the sky and began to fall on Alice’s face.She gave a little scream------and wake up.She was lying next to her sister under the trees,and some leaves were falling on her face. “Wake up ,Alice,dear”said her sister.”You’re be


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