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关于希望的英语作文 Today I learnt more about project hope in class and I was deeply touched.I found that there were many students from poor areas who had dropped out of school because they had difficulty in their families,and Liu sanzi is just one of them.I really wanted to help him return to school ,so that he could get proper education and study happily without worrying about his family ,like us. I talked to my parents about this,and they also agreed with my idea to help him.We decided to try our best to raise money for him.And I had also written a letter to him,expressing my feelings and encouraging him.We decided to sent the money and my letter to him right away.What a fantastic day!I hope he will be able to go to school with our help as soon as possible. 今天我在课堂上了解到很多的有关希望工程的事,我被深深地感动.我发现有很多贫困地区的学生辍学,因为他们有他们的家庭困难,刘三资就是一个真正的them.I希望能帮助他重返校园,使他能得到适当的教育和研究,不担心他的家人和我们一样,愉快地。我跟我的父母,对此,他们也同意我的想法,以帮助him.We决定要尽力提高him.And钱,我也给他写了一信,表达我的感情和鼓励him.We决定发送的钱,我给他的信away.What一个梦幻般的一天!,我希望他能够尽快到学校去与我们的帮助。 Project Hope Projet Hope is also the name of a world organisation. Project Hope has worked all around the world since 1989. And it has built schools all over China. People in China and abroad have given 2.2 billion yuan. With this money Project Hope has trained teachers and send students to high schools. But 40 millions of children from poor families still need help. Because of Project Hope, thousands of children have better lives. I am going to send money to children in Sichuan Province. Because I’m also one of students in China. “希望工程” PROJET希望也是一个世界组织的名称。希望工程自1989年以来,世界各地的工作。中国各地已建成的学校。在中国和国外的人都给予了2.2亿元人民币。有了这笔钱“希望工程”已受过训练的教师,并送学生到高中。 但40贫困家庭的数以百万计的儿童仍然需要帮助。由于“希望工程”,成千上万的儿童有更好的生活。 我要寄钱给在四川省儿童。因为我也是在中国的学生之一。 Education is the key to the modernizations of our country. The extent to which children are educated is directly of vital importance to the improvement of our prehensive national power. However, in


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