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Unit 3 I. Teaching Objectives 1. Focus on certain phonetic elements that affect listening comprehension. 2. Note-taking: a skill that needs systematic training to acquire and helps the listener form a general idea of the speech. 3. Listening to different types of materials, conversations, passages and news. 4. Listening for gist, identifying specific information, and understanding inferences. 5. Oral presentation: Answering questions and Retelling II. Teaching Contents Section One: Tactics for Listening Part 1: Phonetics Part 2: Listening and Note-taking Section Two: Listening Comprehension Part 1: Dialogues Dialogue 1: What’s He Like? Dialogue 2: How Old Are You? Part 2: Passage: Informational Interviewing Part 3: News News Item 1 News Item 2 News Item 3 Section Three: Oral Work Part 1: Questions and Answers Part 2: Retelling Section Four: Supplementary Exercises Part 1: Listening Comprehension Passage 1: British Postman and Milkman Passage 2: Study in the United States Part 2: Oral Work III. Teaching Emphases 1.Phonetics: weak forms of certain words “a”, “at”, “and”, link-ups of two or three words and contractions. 2. Abilities for note-taking: (1) to select the important points; (2) to write them succinctly and quickly; (3) to lay them out clearly. 3. A variety of listening “strategies”: (1) making predictions about what the speaker is going to say next or where the discourse is “leading” to; (2) matching what we hear against our background knowledge, such as our own experience, our knowledge of the world and other cultures, etc.; (3) distinguishing the main point of what we hear from less important details, and “following the thread” of a conversation or a passage; (4) inferring information about the speakers and their situation that is implied in what we hear. 4. A gist in the form of a key word, a phrase, a sentence or a brief summary 5. A clear distinction of two types of words: those which affect comprehension and those which do not 6. Students’ act


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