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经典专科、本科、硕博、研究生、期刊毕业论文 仅供参考 PAGE 精心整理 仅供参考 勿用作商业用途 摘要 零售行业是与民众日常生活息息相关的一个重要行业。零售行业的企业在新时代背景下的发展也受到了各界的密切关注,由于零售企业点多面广的门店分布特点,内部控制对于零售企业而言是一个非常重要且值得研究的课题。一个成功的零售企业一定离不开良好的内部控制系统。企业只有适应时代发展的规律,不断调整自身的内部控制系统和制度,才能够在时代的浪潮中扬帆前行。 之所以要制定企业的内部控制系统,原因就在于其可以更加高效地推动内部政策信息的传达与执行,提高企业经营效益。企业完善内部控制制度,可以促进企业内部机构的高效运转,防范企业财务危机与经营风险。 本篇文章结合内部控制的基本理论基础,以“永辉超市”超市内控失效为案例,剖析案例的内部控制现状,从环境和制度执行等层面展开,针对案例企业目前存在的问题做出针对性的对策与建议的探讨,以期为相关企业带来一些启示和借鉴。 【关键词】内部控制 零售企业 控制环境 内控失效 ABSTRACT Retail sales enterprise is the world recognized the industry is growing rapidly, along with the time of the retail enterprise all the different environment is change, so the retail enterprise internal control is related to the stand or fall of enterprise whether good development key. The big supermarket chains for some of the more universal characteristics, its internal control is particularly important! With the continuous development of economic construction, retail enterprise internal control adjustment will "keep pace with The Times," including format, commodity structure, and organizational structure and so on. Only in change constantly improve the internal control mechanism, and retail sales to development, otherwise can only be the market competition of the waves over. Enterprise unit for the purpose of the internal control system, is to ensure that organization the normal operation of economic activities, to protect the safety of enterprise assets, complete and effective use, improve the correctness and reliability of the economic accounting, promote and appraisal enterprise unit each policy, policy implementation, evaluation of the economic efficiency of enterprises, to improve the enterprise management level. This article from the basic theories of internal control, with "sale" supermarket for internal control failure case, from internal control environment, internal control system performs two aspects of "sale" internal control expounded current situation and analysis, and the problem put forwa



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