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高考英语作文应用文模板、句型及范文 1、建议信模板 Dear , ⑴I am delighted to learn that . ⑵It . ⑶In my opinion . ⑷On the one hand, . ⑸On the other hand, . ⑹As to n/clause , I suggest . ⑺If . ⑻It is unnecessary for you to . ⑼In addition, . ⑽I am sure . ⑾Please inform me . ⑿I am looking forward to . Sincerely Yours, Signature 信息提示 信件启首 ⑴写信的原因 ⑵引出作者的建议 ⑶表述建议的内容 ⑷提出建议的理由一 ⑸建议的理由二 ⑹具体到某一方面的建议内容 ⑺供被建议人选择的条件 ⑻建议内容的另一方面 ⑼其他的建议 ⑽对建议内容的评价 ⑾对建议内容所做的承诺 ⑿表达本人的愿望 信件结尾与签名 2、批评、抱怨、投诉信模板 ate: Dear , ⑴My name is . ⑵I am . ⑶I venture to write you a letter about . ⑷The focus of the complaint is . ⑸For one thing, . ⑹For another, . ⑺Honestly speaking, . ⑻But . ⑼Besides, . ⑽All in all, there is still much room for improvement. ⑾I do hope . ⑿Thank you for your time and kind consideration. Sincerely Yours, Signature 信息提示 信件启首 ⑴写信人的姓名 ⑵作者的身份 ⑶表述抱怨内容 ⑷提出报怨的核心点 ⑸抱怨内容的一个方面 ⑹抱怨内容的另一方面 ⑺客观的评论 ⑻抱怨产生的原因一 ⑼抱怨产生的原因二 ⑽总结所抱怨事情现象有改进空间 ⑾表达本人的愿望 ⑿信件结尾的常用语 信件结尾与签名 3、道歉信模板 ate: Dear , ⑴I am excessively sorry to say / tell you that . ⑵Now, I am writing you this letter of apology to show my deep regret. ⑶Please accept my sincere apology with gratitude. ⑷I fear you are displeased at . ⑸I hope you will understand me and excuse me for . ⑹Let me explain. ⑺The reason for my dealay/absence was that . ⑻I had no way out because . ⑼Therefore it,s not in my power to . ⑽Naturally,I want to suggest . ⑾I shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tell when and where you . ⑿We may meet again and I hope to see you soon. Sincerely Yours, Signature 信息提示 信件启首 ⑴直接表达自己不能实现先前的愿望或约定 ⑵表达歉意 ⑶诚恳希望对方能接受道歉 ⑷⑸表达出自己的心情,并请求对方原谅 ⑹过渡句,引出道歉的原因 ⑺开始介绍道歉的原因 ⑻表达出自己当时的处境和情况 ⑼总结自己道歉的原因 ⑽提出建议希望下次再次实现愿望 ⑾约定下次的时间和地点 ⑿再次表达下次见面的愿望 信件结尾与签名 4、感谢信模板 ate: Dear , ⑴I am now writing these lines to express my sincere thanks for



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