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PAGE PAGE 1 四年级下 一单元听力材料 1.Look,listen and number 看图、听录音、用数字标出朗读的顺序 1)living room 2)kitchen 3)bedroom 4) a picture 5) study 6) fridge 7) armchair 8) sofa 2.Look,listen and tick or cross 看图、听录音、判断正误,对的划√,错的划× 1)There are two sofas in the living room. 2)There are some books on the desk. 3) There’s a cat on the bag. 4) There’s a bird on the hat. 5) There’s a cat in the hat. 6) There’s a boy in the classroom. 7) There’s a boy and a cat under the tree. 8) There is a clock in the dining room. 3.Listen and choose. 听录音,选择正确答案。 1).Look at my bedroom. 2).There is a new computer on the desk. 3).There are three kites on the table. 4).Welcome to my new home. 4.Listen and choose 听录音,根据所给情景选择最佳答案,在最佳答案的括号内画√ 1)你想知道李红的客厅里都有什么,你这样问她: A. What’s in your bedroom? B. What’s in your living room? 如果有两个单人沙发,一个双人沙发,她会这样回答你: There are two armchairs and a sofa. B. There are two sofas and an armchair. 2) Peter 来到你的新居,你表示欢迎说: A. Welcome to my new home. B. Come into the kitchen. 3) 你想让Kate看一看你的卧室,你这样说: A. Look at my bathroom. B. Look at my bedroom. 4) 你想告诉大家你的客厅里有三个风筝和四个气球,你这样说: A. There are three kites and four balloons in my living room. B. There are three kites and four boos in my living room. 5) 你想告诉大家你的厨房里有一个大的冰箱,你这样告诉说: A. There is a new fridge in the kitchen. B. There is a big fridge in the ketchen. 2 单元 听力部分 看图、听录音、用数字标出朗读的顺序。 1. forty 2. fourteen 3. twenty 4. a bag 5. a desk 6. twelve 7. a boy 8. a girl 9. a table 10. a clock II. 选出你所听到的单词或词组,将其字母编号写在题前的括号内。 1. We have nineteen pens. 2. There are sixty teachers in our school. 3. Good morning,Mr Gao. 4.There is a new computer on the desk. 5. Look at my bedroom. 6. There are three kites on the floor. 7. Here’s a new table. 8. There is a new DVD player in the box. III. 听录音,根据所给情景选择最佳答案,在最佳答案的括号内画√。 你想知道Kate的班里有多少学生,你这样问Kate: A. How many students are there in your cla


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