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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 浅谈钢琴即兴伴奏在小学音乐教学活动中的重要性 英文题目 Talking about the importance of impromptua ccompaniment in primary school music teaching activities 学 生 姓 名: 许 志 燕 指 导 老 师: 章 凌 专 业: 初 等 教 育 班 级: 10 ( 11)班 学 号:东华理工大学行知分院 二 ○ 一 五 年 五 月 东华理工大学设计 (论文) 中文摘要 摘要 钢琴即兴伴奏是一种创作与表演相结合的综合性艺术, 是在较短的时间内经过构思而独创的一种演奏形式,具有独特额艺术风格。人们常用 “红花 还待绿叶扶 ”来比喻钢琴伴奏对音乐作品主要部分所起的烘托陪衬的作用 ,钢 琴伴奏并不单单只是一种音乐背景 ,而是整个音乐结构中不可分割的有机结 合。钢琴即兴伴奏是真正衡量一个人整体音乐能力的重要标准之一,有些教 师在音乐教学中有很好的课堂设计 ,有巧妙的构思 ,合适的即兴伴奏,课堂气 氛会相当不错。在小学音乐教学过程中,如何最大限度地激发学生的兴趣与情感,让学生主动参与音乐的时间活动,开发学生的创造力,这是至关重要的。 总之,即兴伴奏的教学不是单一的,它是理论与实践、技能与艺术相结合的综合教学,是学习音乐方向的学生应具备的基本技能。所以说,即兴伴奏在小学音乐教学中非常具有重要性。 关键词: 钢琴即兴伴奏;音乐教学;重要性;小学 1 东华理工大学设计(论文) Abstract Abstract: Piano impromptu accompaniment is a kind of creation and performance of the co mbination of comprehensive art, is in arelatively short period of time after conception and originalcreation of a form of play .People often use "safflower still stay green han d" to metaphor the piano music works part of the role of the foil, foil the piano is not just a music background, but the indivisible organic combination in the music structure. Piano impromptu accompaniment is a tr ue measure of a man to one of the important standard of the music ability, some teach ers in the teaching of music has avery good class design, has a clever idea, appropriate impromptu accompaniment, the classroom atmosphere will be pretty good. In the pro cess of primary school music teaching, how best to stimulate students' interest and the emotion, make students actively participate in music activities, develop the students' creativity, this is very important. Anyhow, impromptu accompaniment teaching is not a single, it is the combinatio n of theory and practice, skills and art of the integrated teaching, is the study direction of music students should have the basic skills. So, the impromptu accompaniment is very importance in the primary school music teaching. Keyword: Piano impromptu accompaniment; Music teaching; Importance; Prima


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