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班级: 姓名: 层次: Unit 23 Conflict 导学案( 4) Lesson 3 War Memories 编写人:韦 斌 审核:高二英语组 Tips: Action speaks louder than words. Learning aims Learn news words and phrases(A级) To get the general idea of the text( D级) Learning important points: 1) Words and phrases( A、 B级) 2) To improve students ’ reading(abilitiesC、D级.) Learning difficult points: How to use the useful and important words and phrasesb5E2RGbCAP. How to get the general idea in a limited time. Learning Procedures Step New words(A级) 1. 哭泣,流泪 2. 射击 3. 问候,致意 4. 说起,谈到 5. 消费,消耗 6. 射击,开枪 7. 油田 8. 奴隶制度 9. 结局,结尾 10.代表 11. 安全 12. 堆 13. 分配,分发 14. 盟约 15. 失去知觉的 Step II Phrases(B级) 1. 吃惊地 2. 和平的 3.与 一起 4. (没)有理由做某事 5. 一堆 6. 与某人握手 7. 对 厌烦 8. 对 感激 9. 竖立,向上突出 10. distribute sth. among sb. Step III Fast reading (C级) 1 / 8 ” on( Cit.级) jLBHrnAILg Complete the gaps in Text B with these sentences. Just before midnight we all decided not to start firing before they did.p1EanqFDPw We told him he wasn’ t the only one whod upwaswithfe it.DXDiTa9E3d The enemy had stuck up a similar one. Then we all got out of the trench. Step IV Language points. 1. He and his family were eating breakfast when the American soldiers entered the village and ordered them from their homes(.B级) RTCrpUDGiT 译文: 链接: be doing sth when be about to do when be on the point of doing sth. when 翻译:我正要离开时电话响了。 2. Together with other villagers they were marched a few hundred metres into the village square where they were told to sit(.B、C级) 5PCzVD7HxA 译文: together with 意思是 when 引导 (A定语 B状语)从句,修饰 。 Still we had no reason to be afraid(.C级)译文: to be afraid 为不定式作 修饰 reason. 4. on Christmas morning we stuck up a board with “ AMerry Christmas 译文: stick up 意思是 with “ A Merry Christmas 是”withon it复合结构。 【回顾】 with 复合结构 2 / 8 翻译:他们从战壕中爬出来,手举在头上。 5. The officers came to an understanding that we would celebrate Christmas in peace until midnight.(C级) xHAQX74J0X 译文; in peace 意思是 这是一个复合句, that 引导 从句,是 understanding的 。 StepV单项选择( C级) 1. You can’t imagine what difficulty we had home in


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