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2020年内蒙古包头市昆都仑区初中升学考试模拟英语试题 一、单选题 (★★★) 1. After hearing this, Paul has more ________ than before because of the brave doctors working in Wuhan. A.humour B.wealth C.peace D.courage (★★★) 2. — What's your opinion about this matter? — I am sorry that I have to side ________ you. A.for B.to C.against D.with (★★★) 3. Our lifestyle ________ a lot since the Spring Festival. We care more about our diets. A.changes B.will change C.has changed D.is changing (★★★) 4. ______ smooth the screen of your new smart phone feels! A.What B.What a C.How a D.How (★★★) 5. — Do you have any problems if you ________ this job? — Well. I'm thinking about the working hours. A.offer B.will offer C.will be offered D.are offered (★★★) 6. — Sarah told me she would be too busy to come to my party. How disappointing! — ________ She might change her mind. A.Forget it. B.All right. C.Whatever you say. D.You never know. (★★★) 7. Three-Body written by Liu Cixin ________ the communication and fight between human beings and aliens. A.describes B.improves C.prepares D.corrects (★★★) 8. — Reading a large number of books ________ make us wiser. — You are right. Reading makes full man. The more we read, the more we know. A.can B.would C.need D.should (★★★) 9. Sai Khan Tara is not far from Baotou Museum. You can easily visit ________ in day. A.each B.none C.both D.neither (★★★) 10. The old man's answer ________ "no" even after we begged him again and again. A.continued B.remained C.appeared D.afforded (★★★) 11. You can't decide whether or not you like something until you try it, ________ it's important to try something new. A.but B.or C.so D.and (★★★) 12. — Our school's 50th birthday is coming. — Great! We will hold many activities to celebrate it ________. A.wisely B.warmly C.simply D.silently (★★★) 13. Edison said, "Failure is what I need. It is as ________ as success to me." A.central B.special C.valuable D.believable (★★★) 14. — My deskmate and I a



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