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First Concern; 你如何可以在具有竞争性的 酒店业发展自己个人事业? How to become a leader in today’s competitive hospitality industry?;首先,你必须有一个优良的工作环境 – 酒店。 First, you have to have a superior product – your hotel 其次,你有将为客人提供优良的服务 心态。 Second, and perhaps more important, you have to provide guests with superior service;取得客人的满意 achieve guest Satisfaction 增加客人的忠实度 - Increase guest Loyalty 超越客人的期望 - Exceed guest Expectation ;7个服务原则 Seven Principles of Service;为客人提供酒店服务和当地可靠的信息。 Provide reliable information about the services available at the property and in the local area 在工作中尽可能满足客人。 Work to make everything right for our guest 同事间保持良好的合作,尊重我们的同事和我们的客人。 Treat co-workers and subordinates with the same courtesy and respect that you expect of them when they deal with our guest ;唯一不可以改变我们的是: 超越客人的期望 Today The only thing that remain constant Is The guest’s expectation of service;了解服务性行业的发展前景。 Understand the nature of a career in a service industry 了解各种各样的客人需求和差异。 Differentiate among the want and needs of various guests 我们的态度将影响服务。 See how our attitude affects service 学会控制服务情势。 Take control of service situation 始终如一的服务态度。 Maintain a positive work attitude even during difficult personal situations 与同事的良好合作。 Work as team with other employees;课程内容: Segments include:;第一部分:介绍 Segment 1: Introduction;有95%的客人会选择回他曾经投诉过并得到解决的酒店,只有35%的客人不会选择,并且会散播他不满的经历。 Nearly 95 percent of travelers will return to a hotel if a problem is resolved to their satisfaction. Only 35 percent will return after bad service, and most dissatisfied guests will spread the word about their bad experience.;;Discussion Questions:;第二部分:客人- 他们想要什么? Segment 2: Guest - What do they want?;;Discussion Questions:;第三部分:从客人的角度看Segment 3: The guest’s point of view;;第四部分:是的,我能做?? Segment 4: Yes, I can (Reaching Out);最容易做到的是我们对客人的亲切问候。 The easiest way to reach out is to use a guest’s name if you know it. 很少有客人投诉因为你的过分殷勤和细微服务。 Few guests will complain that you are overdoing it i



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