2021春人教版九年级英语下册课件-课时6 Section B (3a-Self Check).pptxVIP

2021春人教版九年级英语下册课件-课时6 Section B (3a-Self Check).pptx

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安徽人教版九年级下 Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands.课时6 Section B (3a-Self Check)提示:点击 进入习题能力提升练基础巩固练答案呈现111wishes6C16to laugh atB2chopsticks17B712Cmakes us feel318suggestions8CC13advice; how to4advice199CC14worth; in20A10C5behavior15without knocking一、根据首字母及汉语提示, 完成下列单词的拼写。1. I gave the girl a beautiful gift with my best w(愿望). 2. Koreans use c(筷子)when they have meals like Chinese. 3. Let me give your some s(建议)about French customs. isheshopsticksuggestions4. He often takes my a(建议)on how to learn English. 5. Give up bad b(行为) and be polite.dviceehavior二、单项选择。6. When ____ you supposed to arrive yesterday?A. are B. wasC. were D. isC【点拨】“昨天”表示事情发生在过去,故选C。7. My uncle lives in Shanghai. My father ____ him when he went to Shanghai on business. A. dropped off B. dropped intoC. dropped by D. went pastC8. [2019?巢湖三中期末]In my opinion,first,what you need to do is learning the ____ vocabulary and grammar of this language. A. difficult B. fresh C. basic D. emptyC9. —I'm a little ________ now. —Oh, it's lunch time. Let's go to the nearest restaurant to get something to eat. A. thirsty B. worriedC. hungry D. boredC10. —We have never been to Mexico. What about Jeff ?—____. He hopes to visit it some day . A. Neither has he B. Neither does heC. So has he D. So does heA三、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11. 嘲笑处于困境中的人是没有礼貌的。It's bad manners _________ _________ _________ people in trouble. to laugh at12. 住在这家旅馆使我们感到宾至如归。Staying at this hotel __________ __________ ________ at home. makes us feel13. 我们老师经常给我们许多关于如何学英语的建议。Our teacher often gives us much ________ on ________ ________ learn English. advice howto14. 当你有空时,花时间了解中国历史是值得的。It's ________ spending the time ________ learning about Chinese history in your free time. worth in15. 不敲门禁止你进入他的办公室。You mustn't go into his office __________ __________ on the door.without knocking四、阅读理解。[2018? 安徽改编]16. In Japan,looking directly into the eyes of th


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