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四川地区人离体上颌恒中切牙及其唇面发育沟的形 态学观测 四川地区人离体上颌恒中切牙及其唇面发育沟的形态学观测 作者:廖文 李建华 姚洋 张茹 郑力维 唐小华 于海洋 作者 单位:口腔疾病研究国家重点实验室,四川大学,四川 成都 610041 【摘要】 目的 观察四川地区人上颌恒中切牙发育沟的表 面结构特征,以指导固定修复体的仿真制作。方法 采用一定纳入标 准选择 58 颗四川地区人离体上颌恒中切牙,测量其解剖牙冠长度、 宽度,近远中发育沟长度、宽度,以及近远中发育沟两边界之夹角。 结果 四川地区人上颌恒中切牙的解剖牙冠冠长和冠宽分别为( 11.9 ±1.3) mm 和(8.7 ±0.8) mm,发育沟长和沟宽分别为( 5.7±0.9) mm 和( 2.1 ±0.5) mm,近远中发育沟长度和宽度的差异均无统计 学意义。冠长与发育沟长的比值为 2.1,冠宽与发育沟宽的比值为 4.2。 近中发育沟两边界之夹角为 23°±4.7°,远中发育沟两边界之夹角 为 23°±5.7°。结论 四川地区人上颌恒中切牙解剖牙冠的长、 宽平 均值与中国人的平均值接近; 冠长与发育沟长之比、 冠宽与发育沟宽 之比恒定, 发育沟所成角度的大小较确定; 其数值为固定修复体的仿 真制作提供了参考。 【关键词】 上颌恒中切牙 发育沟 形态学 [Abstract] Objective To investigate the morphology of maxillary permanent central incisors of people in Sichuan so as to provide some guidance for emulational restoration of fixed prosthesis. Methods Fifty-eight extracted maxillary permanent central incisors were selected from people in Sichuan. All of the teeth involved in this study were selected according to certain criterions. The length and width of the anatomical crowns, the length and the width of the developmental grooves and the angles formed by the two sides of the developmental grooves were mea-sured. Results The average length and width of anatomical crowns in Sichuan people were (11.9±1.3) mm and (8.7 ±0.8) mm respectively. And the average length and width of the developmental grooves were (5.7 ±0.9) mm and (2.1 ±0.5 ) mm respectively. There were no statistical differences between the length of the mesial and distal developmental grooves and so were the width. The ra


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