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Unit One Intercultural Communication Dialogue 设计思路 中国虽是礼仪之邦,但在待“礼”接物方面,却有让外国客人不太理解的地 方。通过对话,引出本单元主题:文化差异和跨文化交际。 参考教法 1. Pre-reading questions: 1) What do you usually say when you give or accept presents? 2) How do you treat the presents? Are you going to simply say “thank you” and then put them away, or unwrap them immediately and sayyou like them“ ”? 读对话前问学生他们跟朋友互送礼物时说什么客套话,怎么对待别人送的礼 物。 2. While-reading: answer the following questions according to the dialogue. 1) What did Tony bring with him as a gift for his Chinese friend? 2) Did Tony wrap up the tapes? 3) When Tony gave his Chinese host the gift, what did she do? 4) What did Tony expect her to do? 5) What is the difference in exchanging presents between China and Western countries? 3. After-reading question: Which way is acceptable to you? Why? 您更倾向于哪种接受礼物的方式? Can you think of other examples of intercultural differences? 可让学生给出跨文化交际中的冲突案例,如时间观念、客套语冲突、餐饮习 俗冲突。 Material for reference: 中西方去朋友家做客送礼的差别: 中国人送礼喜欢成双,比如说两瓶酒,两条烟。一是为了显示自己不是小气 人,二是为了讨个吉利数字。去朋友或者亲戚家做客,拎点水果是非常普遍 的情况。 但是,在西方,人们送酒的时候都是只送一瓶。因为他们吃饭的时候要喝客 人带来的酒,如果客人拿了两瓶,似乎表明客人是个酒鬼,他恐怕一瓶酒不 够喝。 去朋友家做客一般也不送水果。水果一般是作为看望病人时候的礼物。 Language Points in the Dialogue 1. western a. related to ways or ideas of doing things from Europe and the Americas e.g. He is wearing a western style suit. 他穿着一套西装。 Westerner: 西方人 2. treat v. behave towards someone or something in a particular way treat somebody like/ as something e.g. Please treat the matter seriously. 请认真对待这件事。 Treat this house as your own, feel free. 把这所房子当作你自己的好了,放轻松。 n. my treat, used to tell someone you will pay for something such as a meal for them e.g. Let us go out to lunch — my treat. 这次我请客。 3. hurt v. ① to make someone feel very upset, unhappy, sad etc. e.g. He is afraid of hurting Bessy ’. s feelings 他怕伤害了贝茜的感情。 ② to cause pain in a part



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