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???????????????????????最新 料推荐??????????????????? 英语数词翻译知识 原文 译文 1.1 The Contract price is concluded on the basis of a fixed CIP Beiji ng Airport, total amount is 199,200,00 CHF (one hundred ninety-nine thousands and two hundred SwissFranken); Thirty-Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Ni nety DollarsOnly up to 2.5 vol. % down to 480kg/t upwards of 150 years The production of carsin China went up 300 thousand last year. The total value of China‘sexports to the US rose by two thirds last year. The prime cost decreased by 60%. The decreaseof 3% in the gross carbon rate during the formed coke period was attributable to the relatively hi gh hydrogen content of the formed material, being about three times as great as that of the base period coke. The budget for research work expenditure of the university in 2009 is20 million yuan lower than that of Beijing University. The wire is by three inches longer than that one. The grain output of last year in this province was 20% percent up on that of 1978. By using this new-process the loss of metal was reduced to 20%. By 1980 the production of primary copper by leaching would be expected to increase five-fold.  合同定价基于北京机场固定的 CIP 而定,总价为199200 CHF(19.92万瑞士弗兰肯)。 叁万柒千伍佰玖拾美元整 2.5体积百分数 ≥ 480公斤/吨 150多年 去年中国的汽车产量增加了30万辆。 中国出口到美国的商品总额比去年增长了三分之二。 基本支出减少了 60%。 在形成焦炭的阶段总碳比下降了3%,这是由于形成焦炭的过程中氢含量较高,约是基本阶段焦炭含量的 3倍 。 2009年该高校科研工作的经费预算比北大少了2000万。 这根电线比那根长了3英寸 。 去年这个省份的粮食产量比1978年的时候涨了20%。 用了这项新工艺后金属的损耗降到 20%。 到 1980年用浸出法生产的原铜的产 1 ???????????????????????最新 料推荐??????????????????? This represented a six-fold increase from 2004 and was 93% higher than in 2007, theyear before the global financial crisis. The strength of the attraction between two unlike charges increases by 2 x2 =4 times if the distance between the original charges is halved. The speed exceeded the average speed by a factor of 3.2. Each of these bombshas ten times the destructive power of the bomb that was used on Hi roshima. The baby girl doubled its weight in a year. The number of lives


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