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尚集镇中心小学 2017—— 2018 第二学期期末质量检测试卷 五年级英语 得分: 一、选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的一项。 (5 分) ( )1. space A.after B.action C. late ( )2. each A. breakfast B. teacup C. clear 线 )3. slow A. flower B. tower C. throw ( ( )4. dish A. different B. ride C. side 名 ( )5. early A. fly B. by C. friendly 姓 二、根据汉语提示 , 补全单词。 (9 分) 1.c nem (电影院 ) 2.afr d(害怕的 ) 3.h f( 一半 ) 4.sh_ t(喊叫 ) 5.d ce(跳舞 ) 6.t d(疲倦的 ) 封 7.f d(喂养 ) 8.sci_ ce(科学 ) 9. c ture(文化 ) (12 分) 三、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.We will (have) a great holiday in Henan 2. Today Is (child) Day 3. Look at the taxi (drive). He is (drive) a taxi. 4. Who usuall ( wash) (she) face at 10: 30 pm? 5. There (be) homework time, but we can (play). 密 四、单项选择。 (12 分) 级 ( )1. We have IT in the . 班 A. music room B art room C. computer room ( )2. does he study on Tuesdays? A. What B. When C. Whe ( )3. This is a . Doctors and nurses work here  A. factory B. office building C. hospital ( )4. The theme is animals and plants A in B. about C. from ( )5. The students must have lunch in the . A. my; library B. their: canteen C.your; classroom ( )6. You should try tofu. Its a famous . A. fried; dish B. fry;food C. fried: place 五、判断下列句意与图片内容是 ( √) 否( ×) 相符。 (10 分) ( )1. He usually goes to bed at 9: 00 pm ( )2. The new subjects are Music and History ( )3. I like the big wheel ( )4. You must wait in line in the canteen. ( )5. He is a cleaner. He cleans the streets. 六、情景交际。 (10 分) ( )1.你想表达“在湖南有一个著名的山” ,你会说 : A. There are famous lakes in Hunan. B. There is a famous mountain in Hunan. ( )2.你问妈妈这是不是一个购物中心,妈妈会说 : A. Yes, it is. B. No, we don’t ( )3.在主题公园里,你问哥哥他想要玩什么,哥哥会说: A. I want to ride on the roller coaster B. I can see the teacups and the bumper cars ( )4.你想表达“我们在图书馆里读书” ,你会说 A. We go to the school library to read on Fridays B. We do reading in the library 七、按要求写句子。 (15 分) 1.no,after,there,buildings ,the,were, earthquake ( . )(连词成句 ) 2. You shout at or push someone. (改为否定祈使句 ) 3. I watch TV at free time. (对画线部分提问 ) I have breakfast at 7:00 am. 对(画线部分提问 ) Do you have a school lib


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