高等半导体物理Chapter 9 量子计算机基础之二.pdf

高等半导体物理Chapter 9 量子计算机基础之二.pdf

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Chapter 9 量子位和量子逻辑门 Chapter 9 Qubits & Architectures §9.1 Bits and Qubits §9.2 Classical Gates §§9.39.3 ReversibleReversible GatesGates §9.4 Quantum Gates Now that we have the mathematical and pphyysical ppreliminaries under our belt, we can move on to the nuts and bolts of quantum computing. At the heart of a classical computer is the notion of a bit and at the heartheart ofof quantumquantum computercomputer isis aa generalizationgeneralization ofof thethe conceptconcept ofof aa bitbit called a qubit. In this chapter, classical (logical) gates, which manipulate bits, are presentedpresented fromfrom aa newnew andand differentdifferent perspectiveperspective. FormForm thisthis angleangle, itit isis easy to formulate the notion of quantum gates, which manipulate qubits. The evolution off a quantum system is reversible, i.e., manipulations that can be done must also be able to be undone. This “undoing” translates into reversible gates. §§99.11 BitsBits andand QubitsQubits What is a bit? AA bit is a unit of information describing a two bit is a unit of information describing a two--dimensional classicaldimensional classical system.system. ThereThereThereThere areareareare manymanymanymany examplesexamplesexamplesexamples ofofofof bits:bits:bits:bits: ♣♣A bit is electricity traveling through a circuit or not (or high and low).A bit is electricity traveling through a circuit or not (or high and low). ♣♣♣♣AAAA bitbitbitbit isisisis aaaa waywaywayway ofofofof denotingdenotingdenotingdenoting ““truetruetruetrue”” orororor ““falsefalsefalsefalse””.. ♣♣A bit is a switch turned on or off.A bit is a switch turned on or off. turnturn offoff turnturn onon All these examples are saying the same thing: a bit is a way of describing a system whose set


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