必修4unit3 语言知识点Language points.pptVIP

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Language Points 1. …, so they could feel more content with their lives. 仔细阅读下列句子,并试着总结content 的含义及用法。 1) Most of his poems have a lot of political content. content n. 意为“(作品等的)内容(与形式相对)” 2) High daytime temperatures increase the sugar content of the grapes. content n. “含量” 3) Now my grandmother began to live in peace and content. content n. “满足,心满意足”,不可数名词 4) I always read the contents of a book before judging it. content n. 意为“目录” 5) Can you give a description of the contents of your lost wallet? content n.“里面的东西,内容” ,常用复数形式 6) Great people are never content with small success. 7) Being tired of city life, she is content to live in peace in the countryside. content adj.,意为“_______________” ,be content with ...意为“____________”,be content to do sth. 愿意做某事。 满意的,满足的 对……满足 [拓展] not that ... but (that)意为“不是因为……而是”、“(并)不是……而是” 2)并非我讨厌学习,而是我太多不懂赶不上去。 Not that I hate my study, but I don’t know much knowledge so that I can’t catch up with others. 3)并不是我故意不交作业,而是我不会做又不想抄别人的。 Not that I don’t hand in my homework on purpose ,but I can’t do it and don’t copy . 2.not that“并非,倒不是说”,用于句首或短语之前,表否定含义。如: 3. You may find it astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing … astonish vt. 使(某人)吃惊, 震惊。比surprise的语气要强,比shock语气轻。 e.g. The earthquake astonished me. 地震使我惊慌失措。 astonished adj. 吃惊 e.g. I was astonished to see her here. 我在这见到她,很惊异。 be astonished+ at (by) /to do/that… 被(因)……惊吓 e.g. She was astonished to find he was drunk. 发现他喝醉了, 她很吃惊。 He was much astonished that you had failed. 你居然失败,他大感惊讶。 I was astonished at/by the news. 这消息使我大吃一惊。 astonishing adj. 令人吃惊的 an astonishing remark 惊人之语 astonishment n. 惊异;惊愕;惊奇 in astonishment , 吃惊地 e.g. She stared at me in astonishment. 她吃惊地瞪着我。 to one’s astonishment 令……惊异的是…… e.g. To our astonishment the little boy swam across the river. 令我们惊奇的是那小男孩居然游 过了那条河。 4. Unfortunately, his father died, leaving the family even worse of


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