必修3 Unit2 Come and Eat here英语课件.pptVIP

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Book 3 Unit 2 Healthy eating;steak beefsteak;Food groups;a healthy/ balanced diet ; Imagine you and your partner are going to invite some friends for dinner.What special food of your place would you offer them?;Reading: Come and eat here (Ⅰ);Go through the passage and find out some information. ;Scanning;Careful Reading : Compare the two restaurants:;1. Li Chang always came to his restaurant so if he did not, it meant that something serious had happened to stop him. 2. He did not want Yong Hui to tell lies and people to believe her. 3. If he gave his customers cheaper prices and advertised the benefits of his menu, perhaps his customers would return.;While-reading;1.What does a healthy diet need? 2. Do you think you keep a healthy diet? If you don’t, how can an unbalanced diet affect your health? ; Wang Peng felt frustrated ___________his customers didn’t come to his restaurant as they (usual) did. Out of (curious), he (follow) Li Chang,______was his friend, to a newly-opened restaurant. He was amazed______the menu and the prices. Then he went to the library __ (do) some research. He found that Yong Hui’s customers didn’t eat enough energy-giving food to keep (health). Wang Peng felt hopeful when he drove back home. Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers . The (compete) between the two restaurants was on. ;;Read the text and finish the task. Translate the following questions into English and answer them. 1.王鹏通过做什么来赢回他的顾客? 2.那永慧有没有去王鹏的餐馆探个究竟呢? 3.当永慧进入了王鹏的餐馆,为什么她很生气? 4.对于他俩各自的饮食,王鹏都说了些什么? 5.他们做了什么让他们的饮食变得成功? 6.为什么他们的合作会成功? ;一、提问答问 1.王鹏通过什么方式赢回了他的顾客? ;3.当永慧进入了王鹏的餐馆,为什么她很生气? 4.对于他俩各自的饮食,王鹏都说了些什么? ;5.他们做了什么让他们的饮食变得成功?;Homework 用括号中所给词翻译下列句子,然后将这些句子合并成一篇5句话的短文。 1.运动有益于我们的健康。(be beneficial to) 2.我们最好每天让自己跑步半小时。(have sb. doing sth.);合并???文:


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