外研社四年级下册M9U2Did you have a nice holiday.pptVIP

外研社四年级下册M9U2Did you have a nice holiday.ppt

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保家镇中心校 By Molly Module9 Unit2 Did you have a nice holiday? 1. welcome to 欢迎到...来 2. by plane 乘坐飞机 3. travel by plane 乘飞机去旅行 4. live in the US 住在美国 5. last year 去年 6. last week 上星期 7. (be) on holiday 在度假 8. come here 来这里 9. go there 去那里 10. go to a pop concert 去参加流行音乐会 11. go to a basketball game 去参加篮球比赛 Review live in Washington DC 住在华盛顿 travel by plane 乘飞机旅行 visit New York 参观纽约 go to a pop concert 去参加流行音乐会 go to a football game 去参加足球赛 visit San Francisco 参观旧金山 Review 2.重点句型 ---What did you do last weekend? 你上周末干什么了? --- I went to a concert. 我去听了一场音乐会。 拓展: 他/她/他们 上周末干什么了? What did he/ she/ they do last weekend? He She + 动词过去式+其他. They 2) 询问某人过去是否做了某事 Did + 主语 + 做某事 + 时间 ? play , go , have, travel , live…… ---Yes,主语+ did. ---No, 主语+ didn’t. --- Did you live in the US last year? ---Yes , I did. ---Did she live in the US last year ? ---No, she didn’t. She lived in China last year. Did he…? Yes, he did./No, he didn’t. Did you have a nice holiday? We went to the earth. 你们度过了一个美好的假期吗? 我们去了地球 (go -- went 去) Yes we did. Did you like the people? They were very nice. Look at these photos. 你们喜欢那些人吗? Yes ,we did. 他们很友好。 But they weren’t very beautiful! 但是他们不很漂亮。 看这些照片 Activity 1: Listen and say. Activity 2: Listen and say ? ? Close your books and practise. P54:Point, ask and answer. A: I went to a village last year. B: Did you travel by.......? A:Yes, I did. No, I didhn't. I went there by bus. I went there by plane. I went there by train. Yes , I did. Did you go to Hong Kong last year? No , I didn’t. I went to Beijing /Shanghai/Hangzhou… Did you travel by train? No, I did’nt. I went there by… Yes, I did. Practise Listen and say. Then sing. earth 地球 people 人,人类 photo 照片 West Lake(杭州)西湖 Hangzhou 杭州 Shanghai 上海 Beijing 北京 Hong Kong 香港 the Great Wall 长城 have a nice holiday 度过美好的假期 go to the earth 去地


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