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三、云 根据大量观测事实和理论分析,城市有使云量增多的效应,尤其是对低云量影响更大。几个原因: 1、热岛效应。城乡之间产生的局部热岛环流,城区有垂直上升气流,更有利于对流云的形成。 2、城市污染,凝结核,对低云的形成起着重要的作用。 3、城市下垫面粗糙度。摩擦阻力,使系统在城区停留的时间长。 这一天汉堡吹东南偏东风,风速3米/秒,在汉堡城区迎风顶,受机械湍流作用,湿热空气上升,约在150~200米低空出现碎积云,云界正好与城市东部建成区轮廓相重合。在郊区小山丘和森林上空亦出现同样的云,而在其他邻近地区则无云。这说明城市建筑群的机械摩擦作用对低云形成的影响与小山丘和森林相类似。 In the METROMEX observations of Fitzgerald and Spyers-Duran (1973) at low-flight levels the cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) increased 54 percent from upwind to downwind of St. Louis for a supersaturation of 0.17 percent, and nearly doubled for a supersaturation of 1 percent. The more CCN that are present the smaller will be the cloud drops because of the increased competition for the available water vapor. These same authors were able to obtain a few drop-size distributions upwind and downwind from St. Louis. Their results showed that the average drop diameters were smaller downwind by about 2-3 μm and that a flat distribution of diameters changes to a steep, single-mode distribution. This is of considerable importance for initiation of precipitation. CCN The end of Part one Enmesh 使陷入,使绊住 * * Augment 增多 * Sanitary sewer 污水道,storm sewer 雨水道 * Ch7 水分、云、雾和降雨 一、水平衡 二、湿度 三、云 四、雾 五、降水 六、能见度 一、水平衡 Properties of water 1 Water possesses a number of unusual properties which make it an important climatological substance. One important thermal property is its high heat capacity. This effectively means that in comparison with most other natural materials it takes much more energy input to cause a similar rise in the temperature of water. Equally, subtraction of energy does not cause water to cool as rapidly. This property makes water a good energy storer, and a conservative thermal influence. Properties of water 2 Water is the only substance that exists in all of its states at temperatures normally encountered in the Earth-Atmosphere system. In changing between ice, water and water vapour, latent heat is taken up or liberated and as a result the energy and water balances become enmeshed. P


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