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期末作业考核 《英语教学法》 满分 100 分 I. Fill in the blanks. (每题 1 分,共 29 分) 1. First of all, a teacher should be __ proficient _(1) in the English language. The importance of being a good language user involves four points. First, a language teacher is a__ model _ (2) for students to imitate, to follow and to learn from either consciously or subconsciously. Second, a good command of English endows a teacher with__confidence _ (3). From this emerges the third point. A teacher can attract students immediately with his or her good English. When admiration is established, students tend to believe in the teacher, _ cooperate _ (4) with the teacher, and behave well in class activities. The last point is that good English empowers the teacher to_ manage __ (5) class well, try new methods and adapt his or her teaching at any time. 2. a. Writing is the result of employing__ strategies _(6)to manage the composing __process _(7), which is one of gradually developing a __ text _(8). It involves a number of activities: _ setting goals__(9), generating _ ideas __(10)_organizing _ information _(11), selecting appropriate language, making a draft, reading and reviewing it, then revising and_editing_ _ (12) b. To organize and connect information, there are two criteria: _accuracy_ (13) and _appropriateness_ _(14). To be correct in _vocabulary_ (15) and _grammar_ _(16) is of utmost importance. Of all these activities, _ thinking __(17) plays a central role in improving writing. c. writing is a process of _ learning __(18) and _acquisition __(19). d. According to Hedge, there are different genres into different types of writing, personal wr


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