五年级上册英语课件-M1U1 Did you come back yesterday|外研版(三起) (共31张PPT).ppt

五年级上册英语课件-M1U1 Did you come back yesterday|外研版(三起) (共31张PPT).ppt

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Unit 1 Did you come back yesterday?;孽宋偿挑筑搐宴徊格待熊纵孵墨铰术隧沼北怔根风杰陷咙徒荤荔轧怀刨袍五年级上册英语课件-M1U1 Did you come back yesterday|外研版(三起) (共31张PPT)五年级上册英语课件-M1U1 Did you come back yesterday|外研版(三起) (共31张PPT);Where did you go?;What did you buy?;New words!;met;above;ground;finish; hurry 赶快,匆忙 ;hurry up;wait;wait for ;drop 掉下,落下 ; those 那 些 ;this 这 that 那 these 这些 those 那些; ice cream ;dropped;hurry;Find out what is missing?;us;hurry;hurry;London Eye;伦敦眼(英文名:The London Eye),全称英国航空伦敦眼(The British Airways London Eye)又称千禧之轮,坐落在伦敦泰晤士河畔,是伦敦的地标之一,也是伦敦最吸引游人的观光点之一。伦敦眼于1999年年底开幕,总高度135米(443英尺)。伦敦眼共有32个乘坐舱,因舱内外用钢化玻璃打造,所以设有空调系统。每个乘坐舱可载客约16名,回转速度约为每秒0.26米,即一圈需时30分钟。 ;Lingling is travelling. Listen carefully and find out: ;When did Amy and Sam come back?;What did they buy?;How did they go home?;Who can you see in the flash? Where are they? What did they buy in the park? What happened at last? ;Who can you see in the flash? I can see Amy, Lingling, Sam and John. Where are they? They’re in the park. What did they buy in the park? They bought ice creams. What happened after that? Lingling dropped her ice cream.


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