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The level of detail gone into each activity of a process flow will determine the level of the participant role. For example, if the activity is “design new products” the participant roles could include engineering, production, and marketing departments. However, if the activity is “contact supplier with specifications,” the participant role would ratchet down a few levels and become more specific (e.g., technical purchasing agent, mechanical engineer). Ask yourself who is involved or who should be nvolved in the activity, task or decision Depending on the level of detail, participants may be listed as departments of as individual jpob titles. Only do a RACI if it will add value. 职责分工表 职责分配的有效工具 Tashinan 9-19-2007 重點說明, 答覆問題 什么是RACI ? RACI 用来定义工作内容 与工作参与者职责分配的工具 而不是解決問題,做決定的工具 通过职责分工表进行管理的好处: 通过很好的工作责任分工,理顺各单位、个人之间的关系避免推委、扯皮,增加工作效率 消除不必要的工作重疊或漏洞, 减少浪费,增加团队能力. 帮助个人清楚了解岗位角色, 专注在正确的工作上. 消除误解, 猜测,过多重复的汇报环节,提高工作效率. 工作程序流畅 共同一起,公开地,合理地,排除异见, 改善团对合作精神 通过改善沟通(咨询和告知),使之具有更好的计划性 正确公平的肯定或奖励工作贡献者. 组织内资源更能弹性使用. 容易学习使用 Clear roles and responsibilities can be identified through RACI charting. 这些单词的意思是什么?? Individual(s) who does the work. (真正执行工作者,可以有多个,决定在A) Person with Yes/No authority. Individual who is answerable to ensure the work is done; individual who will be held liable if the work is not done . (Decision maker and accountability taker. The buck stops here (具有做与不做的决策权,负有该工作的成败责任, 只能有一个) Individual(s) who gives advice to the work prior to a final decision. Two-way communication. (最后决策前的建议,咨询,双向沟通) Individual(s) who needs to be informed about the work results. One-way communication. (决策/行动后的结果,单向沟通) Responsible (执行) Accountable (负成败责任) Consult (决策前的咨询) Inform (被告知结果) 工作内容 人員 员工 秘书 领导 会计 会计师 1. 记录费用 A责/R执 2. 填写费用报销表 A责/R执 R执 C询 3. 将表递交给领导 A责 R执 4. 审查 C询 A责/R执 5. 批准 I知 A责/R执 6. 交给会计 R执 A责 7. 核对费用 C询 A责/R执 8. 审核 I知 A责/R执 9. 确定付款类型 I知 I知 I知 A责/R执 举例:员工报销差旅费程序职责分工表 工作内容 角色 A责 R执 C询 I知 1. 记录费用 员工 员工 2. 填写费用报销表 员工 员工/秘书 会计 3


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