《人教版PEP六年级下册Unit 4 Then and now课件C story time》.pptVIP

《人教版PEP六年级下册Unit 4 Then and now课件C story time》.ppt

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人教版PEP六年级下册Unit 4 Then and now课件C story time Unit 4 Then and now Part B read and write Many years ago, I went to this school. I went to school by bike. I loved cycling. Nowadadys , many students go by bus or car. We didn’t have computer games then or computers. So we often played badminton in the summer and ice-skating in the winter. We had a great time. After school, I often went to the park and read under a tree. It was so beautiful there. 1 2 3 Story time eat raw meat 吃生肉 做饭 cook their food help you cook house robots 帮你做饭 家务机器人 wash the dishes 洗碗洗盘子 cook their meat 煮肉 do the dishes 洗碗洗盘子 many clean rivers more and more buildings help the earth Don’t worry! How beautiful the world was! live on the earth 住在地球上 住在大海里 live in the sea have a bright future heal the world 有广阔的前景 拯救世界 Make it a better place! 让它变成更好的世界! eat meet dishes more humans live see had 1.ate(原形)____ 2. meat(同音词)____ 3. dish(复数)___ 4. many(比较级)_ 5. human(过去式) __ 6. lived (原形)___ 7. sea(同音词) ____ 8. have(过去式)____ 9. better(原级) __ 10. caveman(复数)__ P41 good cavemen I . They cooked their food.( 否定句) 2. There were many trees. (一般疑问句) 3. We should help the earth. (一般疑问句) 4. Whales lived in the sea. ( 否定句) They didn’t cook their food. Were there many trees? Should you help the earth? Whales didn’t live in the sea. Try your best! It was an egg. Now it is a hen. It was raining. Now it is sunny. Chen Jie was short. Now she is 1.5 metres tall. In summer, the tree was green. Now it is yellow. There was a building before. Now it is a park. The cat was on the chair. Now it is under the chair. 3. 结构 1. 概念 2.时间 主语 + 动词的过去式 + 其它 yesterday (morning …) last (year, week, night, month…) in 1990 (过去的年) two days ago the day before yesterday just now = a moment ago now past future 一.一般过去时的概念 表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态 一. 规则动词 look looked 1)一般在动词原形末尾加– ed play played


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