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第一章 听了我们的对话,请回想一下,该如何介绍自己或者他人呢?请将正确的选项选出来。 题目1 Used to Introduce Yourself 选择一项或多项: a. I want to introduce ... to you b. Hello, my name is... c. Hi, I'm... d. I come from... e. This is... f. I'd like you to meet... g. Let me introduce... to you. h. I am from ... 你的回答正确 The correct answers are: Hello, my name is..., I come from..., Hi, I'm..., I am from ... 题目2 Used to Introduce Others 选择一项或多项: a. Hi, I'm... b. This is... c. I want to introduce ... to you d. I come from... e. Let me introduce... to you. f. I'd like you to meet... g. Hello, my name is... h. I am from ... 你的回答正确 The correct answers are: I'd like you to meet..., This is..., Let me introduce... to you., I want to introduce ... to you 听一听George和 Melinda关于办公室主要工作的谈话,看看你对他们的谈话了解了多少。 题目1 Which department is Mike from? 正确答案是:The Training Center. 题目2 How long has Mike worked here? 正确答案是:For 5 years. 题目3What is the working atmosphere like in the company? 正确答案是:It's very friendly. 题目4 Who is the newcomer in the company? 正确答案是:Melinda Smith. 题目5Where does the conversation take place? 正确答案是:In the tea room. 学习了前面的短文,你来判断下面的描述对不对。 题目1 Nobody expects you to know everything on the first day at work.正确的答案是“对”。 题目 2 You're new, so you shouldn't ask any questions. 正确的答案是“错”。 题目3 You should be friendly to both your co-workers and boss. 正确的答案是“对”。 题目4 It's not polite to learn about the interests of your co-workers. 正确的答案是“错”。 题目5You can leave your office as quickly as you can at the end of the day.正确的答案是“错”。 再看一遍短文,归纳总结档案管理技巧。 co-workers rumors positive afraid complain friendly 题目6 Don't be 回答 未回答 正确答案是:afraid to ask a lot of questions. Be 回答 未回答 正确答案是:friendly to everyone you meet. Use your lunch hours to get to know your 回 and their interests. Pay attention to the 回答 未回答 正确答案是:rumors but don't join them. Don't 回答 未回答 正确答案是:complain about your boss, any co-workers, or the job you did before. Keep a 回答 未回答 正确答案是:positive attitude and an open mind. 听一听George和 Melinda关于办公室主要工作的谈话,看看你对他们的谈话了解了多


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