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Zhenjiang Cured meat (水晶肴肉) squirrel mandarin fish (松鼠鳜鱼) Man House Soup(文楼汤包) The three ducks tofu Longjing Shrimp(龙井虾仁) Fried Rice of YangZhou style Lion head(狮子头) Cantonese Cuisine (粤菜) Feature Classic Cuisine Guangdong, China is one of the four branches, namely the Guangdong Cantonese cuisine, mainly from Guangzhou, Chaozhou, East three flavor, Guangzhou flavor represented. Cantonese has unique southern taste, and to the election materials, extensive new and exotic dishes is famous in the world. Cantonese cuisine originating in south of the Five Ridges. Since the Han and Wei,Guangzhou has always been China's south gate, be located in semi-tropical, endangered South China Sea, the four seasons evergreen, products is rich, nothing needed is lacking. Table delicacies from land and sea, vegetable & fruit in season four seasons, with overseas trade important port, social economy thus prosper, while also promoting diet and cultural development, and to accelerate the Chinese country and country cooking culture exchange. A variety of Chinese and foreign food is absorbed gradually, make the Guangdong cuisine to constantly enrich and improve, its unique style becomes more outstanding. Ming, Qing period open sea, the port opening to the outside world, Guangzhou city has been further prosperity, catering and booming. Overseas Guangdong Overseas Chinese numerous, and in Europe and the United States, Southeast Asia learned cooking skills back to hometown; Guangdong to situation ofrapid development, has formed a set of North-South style in a furnace,meltingofChineseand Western cuisine in one of the unique style. Steamed Rice Rolls (with Short Rib) (排骨)肠粉 Steamed B.B.Q Pork Bun叉烧包 Baked Eggs Tart蛋挞 Guangdong Style Duck 广式烧填鸭 Seven-Color Assorted Soup 七彩什锦煲 Stewed Swiflets Nest with White Fungus and Gen-seng 洋参雪耳炖燕窝 中国四大菜系英文介绍 chinese food culture Famous for its abundance and exquisite, Chinese food culture has occupied an important part in the nat


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