《中国文化英文PPT之中国菜Chinese cuisine》.ppt

《中国文化英文PPT之中国菜Chinese cuisine》.ppt

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* * 这样的译法,实在让我们都忍俊不禁。细想想也真难为老杜,要改正这样的谬误,又不失中文的含义也不是容易的事。“童子鸡”可以直译为雏鸡,生鱼块本不该弄出“陌生”和“砍”的歧义。“驴打滾”还真一时没什么好办法。“四喜丸子”可能是最大的难题。因为内容太多,总不能在菜名之下再附上一大片解说文字吧。看来老杜对“四喜丸子”颇伤脑筋,他问我们“四喜”什么意思。我们一时不敢妄言,回家查辞书发现,就是人们常常说的人生四大喜事:久旱逢甘雨,他乡遇故知;洞房花烛夜,金榜题名时。这么多内容居然包含在四个大肉丸子之中,真让我们无法想像老杜怎样选择对应的英文词汇。难题肯定不会少,但老杜喜欢吃中国菜,他不能容忍举世闻名的中国美食被乱七八糟的译名所糟蹋。 * * Vermicelli 粉丝 * * Jiangsu-zhejiang cuisine The cuisine is popular in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and is characteristically sweet. It this school of cuisine, chefs are known for their skills in handing the cleaver and their predilection for light coloring and flavor. Typical Dishes of Jiangsu Cuisine 牡蛎跑蛋 蜜汁灌藕 咸菜大汤黄鱼 冰糖甲鱼 龙井虾仁 抢蟹 Translation of Chinese Cuisine Significance: 英文菜单是中国饮食文化的名片; 但是中餐菜名翻译难度很大 。 Current situation: 饭店英文菜单要么空缺;要么是Chinglish,其各式译本 “比中国菜还要丰富” 。 很多人是慕中餐之名而来,但一张云山雾罩的菜单,足以让人一头雾水,不知所措。如云吞,有饭店译成“吞下云彩”,鸡蛋汤译成“日升洞庭湖”,口水鸡Slobbering Chicken,外国人按字面意思会理解为“唾液鸡肉”。拔丝地瓜Wire pulling Sweet Potato,外国人不明白甜薯与正在拉起来的线有何关联。 More examples: 生鱼块 Chop the strange fish(砍那些陌生的鱼) 童子鸡 Chicken without sexual life(还没有性生活的鸡) 驴打滾 Rolling donkey(翻滾的驴子) 四喜丸子 Four glad meatballs(四个高兴的丸子) 生鱼块 sashimi (sliced raw fish) 童子鸡 pullet (spring chicken) 驴打滾 soybean cake 四喜丸子 meatballs Translation methods Basic rules: To translate the Chinese dishes appropriately, First, we should show the main ingredients used and the main cooking techniques; Then, the “color, flavor, taste”; Lastly, if there are some history legends, we should introduce them to the guests concisely. There are 4 ways to translate the Chinese dishes: Literal translation 直译类 Free translation 意译类 Literal + free translation 直译+意译类 Literal + annotation 直译+注释类 全聚德奥运主题菜 直译类: 1. 烹调法+主料名 Smoked fish 熏鱼 Steamed mandarin fish 清蒸桂鱼 Fried crab meat 炒蟹粉 2. 烹调法+主料+with+配料 Fried squid with fresh bamboo shoots 冬笋炒鱿鱼 Fried winter mushroom with green cabbage 冬菇菜心 Fried noodles with seafood 海鲜皇炒面 3. 烹调法+主料+with / in + 调料 Braised chicken with wine sauce 葡汁全鸡 Stewed turtle in clear sou


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