仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 6 Topic 3 Section C课件.ppt

仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 6 Topic 3 Section C课件.ppt

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文笔中学 杨世祥 Warming up (热身) How do you usually come to school ? I usually come to school …… Review 骑自行车安全须知(一) 1.不要骑太快. Don’t ride too fast. 2.骑行时你应该戴自行车头盔. You should wear bicycle helmets when riding . 3.假如你夜间骑行则须安装车灯或穿浅色服装. If you ride at night, you should have lights on the bicycle or wear light-colored clothes. Lead in 骑自行车安全须知(二) 4.骑车者必须要注意周围的车辆. Bicycle riders must pay attention to the traffic around them. 5.骑行者须知道交通信号. Bicycle riders must know traffic signals. 6.骑行者须知道并遵守安全规则. Bicycle riders must know and obey the safety rules. 7.骑行过程中不应该打电话或 在街道上玩耍. Bicycle riders shouldn’t make a call or play on the street when riding. 1a Read and understand. 对骑车人必须了解的规则进行打勾 The bicycle riders must pay attention to the traffic around them. The bicycle riders must know traffic signals. The bicycle riders must know and obey the safety rules. The bicycle riders must wear helmets to protect their heads. care for,注意 阅读理解 √ √ √ √ 段落一大意: Bicycles are very popular. 自行车很普遍。 1. The bicycle is one of the most important vehicles in the world . 自行车是世界上最重要的交通工具之一。 2. In every country people use bicycles for work , for sport or just for fun. 在每个国家,人们用自行车来工作、运动或者只是娱乐. 泛读、理解段落(一)的大意 泛读、理解段落(二)的大意 1. Bicycle riding is good exercise. 骑自行车是一项很好的运动。 2. It helps people become fit . 它帮助人们变得健康 3. Bicycle riding can make the riders’ hearts and lungs strong . 骑自行车可以使骑行者的心肺功能变得强壮。 4.It is also good for the environment because bicycles do not cause pollution . 它对环境也有好处因为没有造成污染。 段落二大意 :Bicycle riding is good for health and the environment . 骑行对健康和环境都有好处。 段落三大意:Bicycle riders must obey the safety rules. Bicycles share the road with cars and trucks. Drivers do not always notice bicycles. So bicycle riders must pay attention to the traffic around them and know traffic signals?. They must k


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