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景观方案设计;享受 渡假會所式 生態園林 Enjoy the Naturalistic Resort Gardens;Content;;; Contemporary Landscape + Lingnan;廣東名園 Famous Garden;Foshan | Lingnan Cultural Landscape Background Study;广东庭院景觀 Guangdong Courtyard Landscape;用“四季繁花,热带风光”八字概括,特征树有棕榈类的大王椰、假槟榔、大王棕、酒瓶椰;有藤本的炮仗花、夜来香、紫藤、簕杜鹃、绿萝;有耐阴的兰花、蕉类、芋类、蕨类、葵类;另有榕树、荔枝等。 Seasonal floral effect and tropical style is the main idea. Feature trees Palms Roystonea regia, archontophoenix alexandrae, Hyophorbe lagenicaulis Others Ficus Mirocarpa, Litchi chinensis, Salix babylonica ;嶺南 Lingnan;3;3;江南園林 Jiangnan Garden 上海 Shanghai 杭州 Hangzhou 揚州 Yuangzhou 蘇州 Suzhou 無鍚 Wuxi;南嶺山脈 Lingnan Ridge Line;园林三大風格 3 Styles of Chinese Landscape;北方園林 Northern Landscape 皇家園林 Royal Garden | 頤和園 Yihe Garden 彰顯地位 富麗莊重 追求氣派 ;北方園林 Northern Landscape 皇家園林 Royal Garden | 頤和園 Yihe Garden 彰顯地位 富麗莊重 追求氣派 ;江南園林 Jiangnan Landscape 私家園林 Private Garden | 拙政園 小中見大 咫尺山林 多方勝景;江南園林 Jiangnan Landscape 私家園林 Private Garden | 拙政園 小中見大 咫尺山林 多方勝景;江南園林 Jiangnan Landscape 私家園林 Private Garden | 拙政園 小中見大 咫尺山林 多方勝景;嶺南園林 Lingnan Landscape 私家園林 Private Garden | 梁園 Liang Garden 天人合一 人與自然和諧共處;嶺南園林 Lingnan Landscape 私家園林 Private Garden | 梁園 Liang Garden 天人合一 人與自然和諧共處;嶺南園林 Lingnan Landscape 私家園林 Private Garden | 梁園 Liang Garden 天人合一 人與自然和諧共處;march in Chinese painting 走進水墨畫;Poet’s Landscape 詩人的水墨園林;Old Days 舊日;Poet’s Landscape 詩人的水墨園林;Poet’s Landscape in Modern Days 現今的詩人水墨園林;從拾樸素水鄉情懷與大自然風貌,追求時尚而多元素的生活享受;;從拾樸素水鄉情懷與大自然風貌,追求時尚而多元素的生活享受;設計策略;;;Landscape design considers the unique character and style of architectural and interior design to create a luxury, comfortable and elegant MODERN ORIENTAL GARDEN 4 Strategic Landscape Zones Waterscape Corridor has a series of water space and resort style courts to create a modern resort waterscape together with the clubhouse Modern Courtyards considers the private and elegant landscape for townhouse users, while public gardens more focus on viewing effects and relaxing atmosphere for groups. Poet’s Gardens create a


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