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2018 高考英语作文专项训练 一 写作要求 :. (一)假如你是李华,在 Word journal 上得知英国青少年文 学艺术联合会 ( Youth Literzture & Art Institute )正面像全球招 收成员。请结合联合会负责人 Jack 写一封信,咨询相关事宜 要点如下: 加入方式、条件; 学生是否享有优惠等。注意: 词数 100 左右; 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 (二)写作思路 : 1.由题干可知,本文要求写一封咨询信,咨询招收成员的相 关事宜,故主要使用第一人称,时态用一般现在时。 2.文章主题部分建议由三段组成:第一段表达得知招收成员的消息,很感兴趣,想了解更多信息,此处可用简单句的过 渡词陈述( be intereted in,provide sb with sth );第二段说明自 己要了解得信息,此处可用简单的过度词陈述( To start with,In addition, Finally ) ;第三段表示期望收到回信( at your earliest convenience ) . 3.注意咨询信的内容必须简洁有礼,语言真挚。 (三)参考范文: Dear Jack, I ’m Li Hua,a literature buff. I am interested in your advertisement published in the Word Journal.could you please provide me with more details about it? To start with,I would like to know how I can join the club and how often the activities are held .In addition ,what kinds of abilities I need to have to be a member of you?Finally,it ’s not clear to me whether students enjoy the benefits of a discount on the membership fee. I am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. Yours, LiHua 2018 高考英语作文专项训练 二 (一)写作要求: 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友 Henry 在学校参加了汉语学习 小组,但是他因汉语难学而准备退出。请你给他写一封信劝 导他并提供一些学习中文的建议。 注意: 1.词数 100; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 (二)写作思路: 1.由题干可知,是要求给美国笔友 Henry 写一封建议信, 应用第一人称,时态为一般现在时。 2.文章主题部分建议有三部分组成:第一段表示得知他的 情况,进行劝导( It ’snormal that;never should you give up ) ; 第二段提供学习中文的建议,可用 first ,second 等词来分点 陈述建议; 第三段表示鼓励并希望有所帮助 (be of some help ) 3.表示劝导和建议的注意要有条理; 同时要注意语气和措辞, 要让对方感到自己的态度真挚。 (三)参考范文 Dear Henry , I ’ m glad that you have joined the chinese Learning Group in your school.It ’ s normal that you may beat your brains out learning such a complicated language at the beginning.You know,there is a growing tendency for foreigners to learn chinese to get a better understanding of china.So never should you give up. Here are my suggestions for you.First,make the most of every chance to practice speaking chinese.The more you practice,the more confident you will be .Second,listening to chinese songs can also lead to great success.By listening


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