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河北省廊坊市霸州第二中学2020年高三英语月考试题 一、 选择题 1. Alipay, which currently has over 520 million users, is a powerful ________ of payment tools, financial services and marketing platforms. A. combination? B. identification? C. reservation? D. accommodation 参考答案: A  2. We were wild with joy when word came________our school team had won first place in the debate contest. A. whether B. how C. that D. why 参考答案: C 【详解】考查连接词。句意:当我们的校队在辩论赛中获得第一名的消息传来时,我们欣喜若狂。本句为同位语从句修饰word,且从句中不缺少成分,句意完整,故用that。故选C。 3. — Put these glasses away before they______. — OK, I’ll put them in the cupboard. A. have broken????? ???? B. are breaking????? ??? C. get broken????? D. will be broken 参考答案: C 考察时态。Before引导的时间状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时,故C正确。 4. Ms. Miller made an exciting speech on TV, leading to a _______discussion over the project. ?? A . heat????? B. heating??? C. being heated? D. heated 参考答案: D 略 5. As far as I’m concerned, we should teach our children to behave coolly in dangerous _________. A. states? ??????????? B. locations?????????????????? C. situations????????????????? D. positions 参考答案: C 6. —Jackson was late for Mr. Black’s class this morning. ?????? —???? ? As fas as I know, he never came late to class. ?????? A. So what ?? B. Why not???? C. How come D. What for ? 参考答案: C 略 7. The teacher asked me _________ Jack got injured in the leg.?? A. how it was that???????????? B. how was it that??? C. how it was which?????????? D. how was it which 参考答案: A 8. --Fang yonggang was given___honour of being one of the 10 yearly figures in China. --That’s really ___great encouragement to those serving in the army.??????? ??A.the;a??? B.a;a?? ?C.the; the ??????? D.不填;the? 参考答案: A 9. The boy dived into the water and after ______ seemed to be a long time, he came up again. A. what??? B. that??? C. it??? D. which 参考答案: A 略 10. Could it be in the restaurant?????? you had dinner with me yesterday????? you lost your handbag? ? A.that; which???? B.where; when???????????? C.where; that?????? D.that;


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