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同步练习 Unit 1 1.I don ’t want to tell you about my age. You know, it ’s my s__________. 2.Scientists have d___________that there isn ’t any life an Mars. 3.I couldn ’t hear the teacher ’s question clearly. So I asked her to r___________it. 4.I practice my spoken English by reading a____________ every day. 5.He didn ’feelt well. The doctor gave him some m__________ and asked him to take it three times a day. 6. Jack has already eaten breakfast. (改为否定句) 7.Mike sat in the front of the classroom so that he could see the blackboard clearly.( 同意句转换) Mike sat in the front of the classroom________ __________ _______ see the blackboard clearly. 8.他跑的太快以至于我们都追不上他。 He ran ___________ __________ ___________we couldn ’t keep up with him. 9.The man has the ___________(able) to do the job well. We all trust him. 10.Bob first get__________(interest) in motorcycles when he was about sixteen. 11.You should pay attention to ____________(listen) to the teachers in class. 12.我的旅游计划总是由我父母的假期决定。 My travel plan always____ _____by my parents ’ vacation. 13. 我们应该思考怎样把中国文化介绍给全世界 We should think about__________ __________introduce Chinese culture to the world. 14.It is important to trust yourself. It is the _____of success. A.grade B.money C.address D.secret 15.-What the meaning of “One Belt and One Road ”? -Let me____the words in a new dictionary. A.look at B.look for C.look after D.look up 16.Lily is my new classmate. We_____each other since she came to our school. A.know B.knew C.have known D.will know 17.The camera is __expensive ____I can ’t afford it. A.so; that B.such; that C.so; as D.too; to 18.You ‘d better take a map with you ___you won ’t get lost. A.as long as B.as soon as C.now that D.so that 19.Every one is born___


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