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Morphology 2018/9/9 1 Introduction  Morphology is the study of the structure of words and the rules of word formation.  1) to examine the inside structure of words;  2) to understand the way to produce new words;  3) to classify the words of English in terms of morphological structure or word formation process. 2018/9/9 2 What Is a Word?  A word is a sound-meaning unit.  A word is the smallest meaningful unit which can be used independently. 2018/9/9 What Is a Morpheme?  A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit in a given language.  Morphemes, just like words, are the meaningful units of language. Morphemes are the building materials to create new words.  The number of morphemes and the way in which morphemes are combined are studied under the concept the morphological structure of the word in question. 2018/9/9 4 Types of Morphemes  Free morphemes: the kind of morphemes which may occur alone, or which may make up words by themselves. For example, dog, word, open.  Bound morpheme: the kind of morphemes that cannot occur alone, and which must appear with at least one different morpheme. For example, dogs, wording, opener. 2018/9/9 5 Types of Morphemes Lexical words: open class words Free morphemes Functional words: closed class words Derivational morphemes Bound morphemes Inflectional morphemes 2018/9/9


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