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——敬业、专业—— 河南概况导游词 PAGE \* PAGE 2 河南概况导游词   作为一名优秀的旅游从业人员,往往需要进行导游词编写工作,导游词的’主要特点是口语化,此外还具有知识性、文学性、礼节性等特点。导游词应该怎么写才好呢?以下是收集整理的河南概况导游词,欢迎大家分享。  河南概况导游词1 Dear friends :   Good! First of all welcome you to our Henan tourism! Very happy to be able to guide you through common services and a good time , I would ask them to work vigorously support and close cooperation. Today, I will take everyone to Lushan County Shirengou mountain tourism, wished everyone a happy toyed with.   Shirengou Mountain located in Lushan County, Pingdingshan City West, the scenic area of 55 square kilometers, Funiu Mountain is located. Yuhuang Ding peak of 2153.1 meters above sea level. It scenery varied throughout the year, known as ;the 36 spots, 72 spots;, as the Best Tourist Attraction in Henan Province.Shirengou mountain peaks peculiar, many waterfalls, lush forests and hot springs fine, gentle landscape, brilliant sets ;- dangerous, show, surprising You ;disgrace. Expert commentary is ;the risk of Huashan, Emeis Island, the beauty of Zhangjiajie. Huangshan show. ; is tourism, shelters and treatment, research, exploration of the place.Story ancient imperial Shirengou Hill, according to legend, originated as Liu, Yao Sun tired of the Dead Liu Yao temple this legislation named. Warring States, great thinkers, social activists Mocius come to earth in Story, Mozi serve existing sites.   Hill is located in the Central Plains Shirengou, geographic conditions and close Jiaoqitielu, State Road 311, 207 through scenic traffic convenience Shirengou Mountain total area of 268 square kilometers. District of Qifeng, lost, flowers, Hongye, cliff, spa, lake, clouds, forests, rare birds and animals and Humanities visual integrity of the scenic system. has been named the landscape 240 multiple. 60-200 meters high waterfall is 17, 200-300-meter-high stone pillars 40 multiple and sculptures, the generals stone, tall rock, sisters-white cattle City, the Tongtian River, nine cataracts, the gates of hell,


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