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Transitional Phrases The use of conjunctive adverbs a) Tuition increases, say officials, are driven by the universities' costs; consequently, tuition income typically covers less than 50% of college budgets. b) Tuition increases, say officials, are driven by the universities' costs. Consequently, tuition income typically covers less than 50% of college budgets. • A conjunctive adverb can be understood as a transitional phrase. Transitional Phrases • Transitional words or phrase work to connect one word, phrase, clause, or sentence with another. You can also call these words connecting words. • Use transitions with enough context in a sentence, between sentences, in a paragraph or between paragraphs to make the relationships clear. • Weak ①Reducing drag in an aerospace vehicle is an important design consideration with financial and operational consequences. ②Poorly designed rocket fuselages can triple launch costs. ③Drag increases stress on key joints. ④This proposed project will develop a model to reduce aerodynamic drag on the RX100. • Improved ①Reducing drag in an aerospace vehicle is an important design consideration. ②For example, poorly designed rocket fuselages can triple launch costs. ③Moreover, drag increases stress on key joints. ④Therefore, this proposed project will develop a model to reduce aerodynamic drag on the RX100. Functions of transitions • Transitional phrases show types of relationships, so it can help to group them according to each function. • Addition Time Place Comparison Contrast Cause Effect Clarification Qualification Intensification Concession Purpose Summary Conclusion Demonstratives Pronouns Exemplification or Illustration. To add • additionally • furthermore • moreover • in addition • also • besides • again • even more 有缘学习


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