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Host’s (Emcee’s) lines for Nick and Yu’s wedding ceremony Ladies and Gentlemen, good evening! Welcome to Nick and Huang Yu’s wedding ceremony. Let’s applaud for the wedding host Sally and Kyle 1. Opening开场白: Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. First of all, please allow me on behalf of the couple’s families to extent sincere greetings to every distinguished guest here. Thanks for your coming from all over China, and special gratitude for the American family and friends. 2. 新人入场Now, please all rise, let us cheer the arrival of the bride and groom. -----Please be seated. 3. 播放视频Let me introduce the most handsome groom standing by me, Nick from America, and the most beautiful bride at this great moment, Huang Yu. I believe that everyone must be very curious about their cross-border marriage. How an American young man encounter a charming Chinese girl , and start a love story , Let us share a video about their romantic road to love. 4. 誓约问答Although they have taken the vows in the United States, at this greatest moment of their life, we will still want to witness your vows by request. Nick and Yu , Please face each other . Nick: do you take Huang Yu for your lawful wedded wife, Will you love, honor, comfort, and cherish her from this day forward, forsaking all others, keeping only unto her for as long as you both shall live? 5. 交换戒指Please exchange the rings. Firstly, Let the groom place the wedding ring on the bride’s ring finger. Then, the bride will also place the wedding ring on the groom’s ring finger. You may hook your fingers, raise them up to receive blessings. Nick, you may hug your charming wife and kiss her. 6. 切蛋糕Now, please let the couple cut the wedding cake by holding their four hands together. 7. 三拜九叩Since we combine Chinese customs with the wedding, let us invite the couple to take bows. *First, 3 bows to the heaven and nature; *Then, 3 bows to the parents, for the gratitude of family love and care; * Last, 3 bows to each other, for t


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