试论变压器励磁涌流产生机理及抑制措施中英文对照 .pdfVIP

试论变压器励磁涌流产生机理及抑制措施中英文对照 .pdf

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试论变压器励磁涌流产生机理及抑制措施 中英文对照 Try to talk about the transformer excitation inrush current mechanism and suppression measures. In both Chinese and English 变压器作为交流电力系统重要的电气设备, 其正常运行直接关系着系统的安全。 差动保护作 为变压器主保护, 励磁涌流是影响其正确动作与否的关键因素之一。 文章分析了变压器励磁 涌流及其特点, 以单相变压器为例, 分析了励磁涌流产生的机理, 并给出了常见的抑制措施。 Transformer as ac electric power system important electrical equipment, the normal operation of the system has a close relationship with safety. The differential protection for transformer main protection, excitation inrush current is one of the key factors affecting the correct operation or not. Excitation inrush current of transformer is analyzed and the characteristics of a single-phase transformer as an example, analyzed the mechanism of excitation inrush current, and the inhibition of common measures is given. 关键词:变压器 励磁涌流 二次谐波 间断角 Keywords: transformer excitation inrush current second harmonic discontinuous Angle 1、变压器励磁涌流及特点 1, transformer excitation inrush current and the characteristic 变压器是一种依据电磁感应原理制造而成的静止元件, 是交流输电系统中用于电压变换 的重要电气设备。 当合上断路器给变压器充电时, 有时候, 能够观察到变压器电流表的指针 有很大摆动, 随后,很快又返回到正常的空载电流值, 这个冲击电流通常就被称为励磁涌流。 Transformer is a kind of based on electromagnetic induction principle and static element, is used for voltage transformation in ac transmission system of the important electrical equipment. When close the circuit breaker to charging transformer, sometimes, can be observed in transformer ammeter pointer has a lot to swing, then quickly return to normal no-load current value, the impact current is usually referred to as excitation inrush current. 总的来说,变压器励磁涌流有以下几个特点:第一,波形呈现尖顶形状,表明其中含有 相当成分的非周期分量和高次谐波分量, 其中高次谐波以二次和三次为主, 并且, 随着时间 推移, 某一相二次谐波含量可能超过基波分量的一半以上。


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