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Chapter 1 An swers 1.1 1.2 Con vert ing from polar to Cartesia n coord in ates: con vert ing from Cartesia n to polar coord in ates: jo 5 =5e , . 3 耳 J e ■ 2 j(1-j)二e4 , 2, =3e七 =2e七 1.3. 旳& o e X2(t)弋心 4) P『砧k (c) dt 1 j ^Te - 4 2 1-j 2 b 2 _2 一1一「3一 e P :.=0, because E:.::::: ,X2(t )二1 |2 1 T X2(t)|dt 斗汁亍.. 2 dt - dt-:: J-oO (d) -/'2T X2(t)=cos(t). Therefore, P oo=lim — f T存2T L 1 " Xl[n] u[n] 2 P :一=0, because x2[n]=ea< ? 8), .Therefore, E - Jx2(t)| lim1 =1 T_ L : E::= jx3(t)「dt= :8S(t)2dt-: T 工dt = 1 COS(2t1 1 dt =_ 2 2 .Therefore, ;cos(t「dt 尹丰; '|x1[ n]| l4丿 2=1. therefore, n u[n] jxi[ n]| 4 =3 X2[n] _ 1 N P :: = lim - x2[n] nY2N +1 7以2屮」| n E::' n] 2 二:: X3[n]=cos1 . Therefore, 14丿 2 1 N lim '、' N ;:2N E* Sjx3[n]| 匚cosgn) ^cos(^j- N 1 亠cos( n) 1 7( 2 )二1 烛 2 2 2 n) 匚1 V伍1 lim \ cos — j2N 4 The signal x[n] is shifted by 3 to the right. The shifted signal lim -— =n :.:2N 1 1.4. (a) will be zero for n <1, And n>7. (b) The signal x[n] is shifted by 4 to the left. The shifted signal will be zero for n<-6. And n>0. (c) The sig nal x[n] is flipped sig nal will be zero for n<-1 and n>2. The signal x[n] is flipped and the flipped signal is shifted by 2 to the right. The new Sig nal will be zero for n v-2 and n>4. The signal x[n] is flipped and the flipped and the flipped signal is shifted by 2 to the left. This new sig nal will be zero for n<-6 and n>0. 1.5 . (a) x(1-t) is obtained by flipping x(t) and shifting the flipped signal by 1 to the right. Therefore, x (1-t) will be zero for t>-2. From (a), we know that x(1-t) is zero for t>-2. Similarly, x(2-t) is zero for t>-1, Therefore, x (1-t) +x(2-t) will be zero for t>-2. x(3t) is obta ined by lin early compressi on x(t) by a factor of 3. Therefore, x(3t) will be zero for t<1. x(t/3) is obta ined by lin early compressi on x(t) by a factor of 3. Therefore, x(3t) will be zero for t<9. 1.6 (a) x?t) is not periodic because it is zero for t<0. X2[ n ]=1 for all n. Therefore, it is periodic with a fun dame ntal period of 1


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