高中英汉互译错例分析 基础篇.ppt

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I'm difficult to combine study with interest. I hardly combining study with interest. It's hardly that combine study with interest. I hardly combine study with interest. I'm difficult to combine study with interest. 典型的中文翻译思维 I hardly combining study with interest. 乱套非谓语用法 It's hardly that combine study with interest. 硬套句型 I hardly combine study with interest. 照字翻译 Definition: When you say you can hardly do something, you are emphasizing that it is very difficult for you to do it. 很难地 [can/could +] [强调] hardly用法小贴士 Definition: When you say you can hardly do something, you are emphasizing that it is very difficult for you to do it. 很难地 [can/could +] [强调] My garden was covered with so many butterflies that I could hardly see the flowers. 我的花园里飞满了太多的蝴蝶,我几乎看不到花了。 hardly用法小贴士 我们不能让他撒了谎而不受惩罚。(have sb.doing;get away with) get away with doing If you get away with doing something wrong or risky, you do not suffer any punishment or other bad consequences because of it. 逃脱惩罚 错例3 我们不能让他撒了谎而不受惩罚。(have sb.doing;get away with) 1)We won’t have him getting away with it,because he told a lie. 2)We can’t have he getting away with his lying. 错例3 我们不能让他撒了谎而不受惩罚。(have sb.doing;get away with) We can't have him getting away with telling lies/his lying. 1)We won’t have him getting away with it,because he told a lie. 2)We can’t have he getting away with his lying. 错例3 放大招:实战训练 About Me Joy 王茜 北京师范大学,硕士学历 11年英语教学经历(北京,广州,重庆) 国家人事部二级笔译 托福110+高分得主 写作杀手:高考;四六级考研;托福,雅思,SAT,AP Joyce英语学习群 QQ群:212050860 师生沟通交流、答疑 猿题库作业群 专题课程作业布置和完成 WE DO CHICKEN RIGHT. 前传 WE DO CHICKEN RIGHT. 前传 WE DO CHICKEN RIGHT. 翻译(1):我们做鸡是对的!  翻译(2):我们就是做鸡的。 翻译(3):我们可以做鸡,对吧! 翻译(4):我们行使了鸡的权利。 翻译(5):我们一定要把鸡打成右派! 翻译(6):我们愿意,右边有鸡! 前传 adj. If you do something in the right way or in the right place, you do it as or where it should be done or was planned to be done. 适当的; 恰当的 adv. right is also an adverb. 适当地; 恰当地 例: To make sure I did everything right, I bought a fat instruction book. 为了确保每件事情都做对


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