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Fun story Micky is going to the Hope School and send schoolbags, dictionaries, activity books, fans, sun caps and umbrellas for the children there. 米奇要去希望学校,为那里的孩子们送去书包、词典、活动手册、扇子、太阳帽和雨伞。 Read and act. Micky is walking very fast and the things are dropping to the ground. 米奇走得很快,东西一直在往地上掉。 Ms Bear sees the schoolbag. She asks Mimi , “Is this your schoolbag?” “No, it isn’t,” Mimi answers. 熊女士看到了书包。她问咪咪:“这是你的书包吗?”“不,它不是,”咪咪回答。 Mr Panda sees the sun cap and asks the bird, “Is this your sun cap?” the bird answers, “No, it isn’t.” 熊猫先生看到了太阳帽并问小鸟:“这是你的太阳帽吗?”小鸟回答:“不,它不是。” Mr Elephant sees the umbrella. He asks the dog, “Is this your umbrella?” “No, it isn’t.” answers the dog. 大象先生看到了雨伞。他问小狗:“这是你的雨伞吗?”“不,它不是,”小狗回答。 Micky finds there is nothing in his handcart. He comes back and sees Mimi, the bird and the dog coming to him. What will they say to Micky? Whose things are these? Sorry, they are mine. Thank you. 米奇发现他手推车上的东西都没有了。他返回去的时候看到咪咪,小鸟和小狗正朝他走来。他们会对他说什么呢? Let’s check 6 Listen and number. A. 5 4 1 3 2 7 1 5 3 2 6 4 Language Focus Is this your ruler? No, it isn’t. Is that your fish? Yes, it is. Whose umbrella is this? It’s Peter’s umbrella. activity book dictionary hen goose sun cap camera Is this your schoolbag? Yes, it is. Is that your elephant? No, it isn’t. put schoolbag ruler crayon yes animal fish cow horse elephant no not isn’t=is not it time whose umbrella fan A Whale A whale looks like a big fish. It lives in the sea. It can swim, but it is not a fish. 鲸看起来像一条大鱼。它生活在大海中。它会游泳,但它不是鱼。 Reading for knowledge a whale Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag? 精通版·五年级上册 Revision Review 1.否定祈使句: Don’t + 动词原形 + 其他. 例句:Don’t leave your things like this. 不要把你们的东西这样放。 2. 询问近处物品是否是某人的句型及答语: —Is this +形容词性物主代词/名词所有格+名词(单数)? — Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. 例句:—Is this your schoolbag? 这是你的书包吗? —Yes, it is. 是的,它是。 3. 询问远处的物品是否是某人的句型及答语: —Is that +形容词性物主代词/名词所有格+名词(单数)


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