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第 PAGE 页码 页码 页 / 总页数 NUMPAGES 总页数 总页数 页 内向型领导的领导技巧 如果你是一个领导,但是性格又比较内向,经常会不知道应该怎么做。接下来我为大家整理了。希望对你有帮助哦! Here are 5 tips any introvert can use to become a better leader. 1. Step up during times of crisis. Crises, both at home and at work, are a part of life. Its how you respond to these moments of adversity that matter. So step up and be the "voice of reason" when bad stuff happens. Where others might see a crisis, introverted leaders see an opportunity. 2. Listen first, talk second. This is something that comes naturally to introverts, and its an oft-underutilized skill in the business world. One key to being viewed as a respected leader is to actively listen to your friends/clients/followers and then provide guidance and answers. According to Susan Cain, "Theres zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas." 3. Get into your comfort zone. Introverts spend a lot of time in their own heads. And we need this time. Its how we recharge, reflect, and come up with great ideas. So set time aside every single day. Even if its 15 minutes. Find somewhere quiet to sit down and just breathe. Let the thoughts flow through your head like clouds. And when youre done, jot down any new ideas that came to mind, which leads to our next tip. 4. Get out of your comfort zone. As an introvert, you are likely more comfortable working alone than with people. You may not like to speak in front of groups. But the reality is, these are things that all great leaders need to do sometimes. So force yourself to participate in "small talk" once in a while, even if you think its useless. Take a public speaking class. Volunteer to take the lead on a new project at work that you may not know much about. Work on getting a little better at the things youre not particularly great at each week. 5. Write it down. Introverts tend to be better at writing than speaking. Thats why you should put your ideas down on paper before you speak about them. An


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