4.9 Tom Jones英国文学导读.pdf

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4.9 Tom Jones Tom Jones, a Foundling comprises of 18 well- organized books divided into 3 parts. Structure • The first six books describes childhood in Mr. Allworthy’s country home; • The middle one contains adventures on the road to London; • The last tells what happens in London to Tom and Sophia. The story tells of the title hero’s story from birth to adulthood, so it is both a Bildungsroman and a picaresque novel. Story • Allworthy, a rich landlord • Blifil, son of Allworthys sister, hypocritical and egoistic • Tom Jones, a foundling • Sophia, daughter of an neighboring landlord Squire Western Features • 1. carefully-planned plot ; • 2. the third-person narration ; • 3. vividly-portrayed characters ; • 4. the best example of Fielding’s comic novel or “comic epic in prose” Comparison: Iliad • ANGER be now your song, immortal one, • Achilles anger, doomed and ruinous, • that caused the Achaeans loss on bitter loss • and crowded brave souls into the undergloom, • leaving so many dead men - carrion • for dogs and birds; and the will of Zeus was done. Comparison : Odyssey • GODDESS of song, teach me the story of a hero. • This was the man of wide-ranging spirit who had sacked the sacred town of Troy and who wandered afterwards long and far. Many were those whose cities he viewed and whose minds he came to know, … • Goddess, daughter of Zeus, to me in turn impart some knowledge of all these things, beginning where you will. Tom Jones: Comparison • Ye Muses, then, whoever ye are, who love to sing battles, and principally thou who whilom didst recount the slaughter in those fields where Hudibras and Trulla fought, if thou wert not starved with


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