5.4.3 英国文学导读摘要类型(下).pdf

5.4.3 英国文学导读摘要类型(下).pdf

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Types of abstracts (II) Contents 1. Informative abstract 2. Indicative abstract 3. Extended abstract 4. Structured abstract Contents 5. Conference abstract 6. Graphical abstract 7. Executive summary 5. Conference abstract The conference abstracts are to inform conference organizers of a research work that is either completed or currently developing (incomplete study), so that they can judge its intrinsic interest and likely quality against the others submitted. Abstracts have to be tailored to the whims of the conference and session organisers. • incomplete study • longer • question at the end A sample of conference abstract The vast distances of Western Australia and the geographic isolation of many of the States communities present serious challenges for the equitable distribution of services to rural and remote areas. A major concern for these communities is the lack of access to the advanced communications services enjoyed by their city counterparts, particularly given the enormous educational, economic and social benefits to be derived from these services. Telecentres in Western Australia typically provide their communities with access to a range of communication and office technologies, as well as acting as a local hub for government and community services. The stated purpose of the Western Australian Telecentre Network is “tostrengthen regional communities by providing local access to information and services.” This paper examines the role of telecentres in overcoming the disadvantages of distance and isolation and in helping rebuild communities that have been in decline in the latter half of the twentieth century. By exploring th


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