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Unit3 Revision Last Weekend 前: T: Good morning, boys and girls! I from’mFangcheng Primary School. I am very happy now. We are getting together today.( 生互 交 ) How are you? Do you like listening to music? Please follow me listen and do. Stand up表.( : Very good, You ’ re a good dancer表 全.体学生: You’re all god dancers.) Now, class begins. 一、 Preparation 1、Let ’ s chant. Today we will revise Unit 3 last weekend.(指 , : Please read together) First, let ’ s chant. OK ?课(件呈 )Clap your hands.( 拍手并做 作 ) 二、 Presentation 1、梳理短 (1)T: Oh, class, I have a pen pal . Look 课,件呈 小沈阳 片 T: Who is he?(生答),Yes, he ’s Xiao Shenyang. Do you want to know what did he do last weekend? 生(答 ) 件快速呈 小沈阳 周末活 片 T: Look carefully, please guess, what did he do last weekend?生猜(做 作)( Spell it, please.(教 随机板 )提 三四个同学。 (2)T: Look, 件呈 周末活 。 This is his last weekend. On Saturday, he  ?. On Sunday, he  ? 生 复述并 助 作, 遇到没呈 的 , 教 采用以上方法及 板 。 Look, read and do 看 件, , 做 作。 2、 法。 教 手指黑板 ,生升降 一遍短 。 : Look ,Can you find the same points? (汉 解 )指生回答,教 根据学生的回答及 价 去式一般 及 音。 (Yes, they are the past form of the verbs). washed clothes /t/ watched TV cleaned the room /d / played football visited grandparents /id/ went to a park went swimming went fishing went hiking read a book E: 件呈 去式的其它 。 3、梳理句子 T: Look, Xiao Shenyang was busy last weekend. What about you? What did you do last weekend? 两三个学生后, 答 .(板 句型 )学生展示 . ②教 借最后一 Did you ??引出肯定与否定答 。 Yes, I did. / No, I didn 教 板 。 Did you ?? Yes, I did. / No, I didn ’t.  ’t. Pair work. 三、 practice 1、Group work .Talk about your last weekend in groups课.件呈 主句型 构。 What did you do last weekend? I ? Did you ? last weekend? Yes, I did. /No, I didn  ’ t. 2、根据最后一 回答, :You were busy last weekend,this time, Xiao Shenyang wants to know your last weekend.Let make’s an interview. Welcome Xiao Shenyang. 件 Now, I ’ m Xiao Shenyang. I ’ m the TV reporter, who wants to have a try? 戴好 、 者 ,拿好 筒,准 采 。二、三名同学后,小 活 。 Group work Excuse me! May I ask you some que



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