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Pronunciation is the foundation of your English kingdom 杜云 QQ:731097039 第一章:五大发音要点! 我们将复杂的语音规则总结成五大发音要点,使 般人都能掌握。 它们是:1.长元音和双元音饱满 短元音急促有力 2中国发音习惯大突破(辅音的区分 卷舌音) 3连音略音 4咬舌头变音 、长元音和双元音饱满短元音急促有力 like likes to write by the nice bright light at night麦克喜欢在夜 光旁写作。[八次疯狂张嘴,元音极其饱满!] e2. That black lad年轻人:少年 was very sad because his dad had died in a bad accident in the factory.[九个“疯狂90度咧嘴”音](注意与 [e]的区分: bed desk) U13. After this dry weather, everyone hopes for rain.在这样干燥的 气之后,备家都希望能下雨 p4. ve got a job for you, wash these dishes.注意与[]的区分 door more aUl5. Get out of my house now.马上从我的房子里滚出去 [i:]6. Do you see the key on the seat?(注意与的区分: sit ship [si]7. I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling.[糟蹋:破坏:损坏] the toy which belonged to Joy这个男孩使我很生气,他糟躅了乔伊的玩具 mixture 1. Macao came back to China in 1999.澳门于1999年回归祖国。 2. I like the shape of that mountain 我喜欢那座山的样子。[包含了四个容易混淆的元音:形 容山水最恰当!] 3. Tim must (] study a little bit more 4. Lets get together again[e(注意与]的 区别: girl nurse 学 数的区别 ·19 nineteen [ti: n 90 ninety 1年 30 1331年 1441年 7 70 18 学 米 米 学 学 8,2,,,…了,, .K3 ,[ai]-俗称爱的大嘴 1. ts inside my mouth在我的嘴里。 2 Would you mind making a little less noise?请您 轻点儿,好吗? 3. How nice of you to do that?你这样做真是太好了! 4. He speaks very highly of you.他对你赞不绝口。 Practice Id drive five miles on Friday night to see a fight that i like星期五晚上我要驱车五英里去观看我喜欢的拳击赛。 ,[e]-俗称“疯狂9O度咧嘴” Ps可以充分练习国际肌肉!设法尽早把你的中国肌肉变成国际肌肉( turn your Chinese muscle into international muscle There s a black cat in the hat 2. You shouldn t have done that Practic 下面的对话一共出现了?次“疯狂90度咧嘴”音? A: Whats the matter, Alice? You look so unhappy B: I had a bad day yesterday A: What happened B: I went shopping and lost my bag A: Your bag Did you get it back B: I went back for it. But it was already gone A: Thats too bad. Im sorry to hear that 三、[OU]-俗称舀水动作 1 Hes one of my closest friends他是我最亲密 的朋友之 2 Were hoping to visit the Us this yea我们 4. The White house is the home of the Presid



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