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Week5— March11h,2014 NATURAL GAS AND FRACKING Natural gas o Natural gas is a fossil fuel formed when layers of buried plants and animals are exposed to intense heat and pressure over thousands of years. The energy stored in the natural gas is the same energy that the plants received from the sun What is Fracking? ⊙ Fracking,or hydraulic fracturing is the process of extracting natural gas from shale rock layers deep within the earth(1-2 miles or more Extraction In order to extract the gas, the companies drill far below the ground and shoo high-pressure water and chemicals to crack the rocks SEA where the gas is trapped. The rocks GLES COALBED EOTHK. fractureand crack hence the name fracking a gas fows cud d wod cs colver water for the fracturing process chemicals into the Nau9路 s is piped nas, then taken to a trea 。-。5 Well Sand keeps Hydraulic Fracturing flowes from Mixture of into well across into horizontally dri led fooc pressurized moxture causes 50 Marcellus shale, to crack These fissures are held opon y attal gas from the shake can Marcellus shole Tho shake is fractured by the pressuro inside Problems o What are the problems or cons of fracking The fracking chemicals are poisonous and contaminate water Safety issues due to deregulation such as the release of toxic chemicals into the air(like methane--CH4, and benzene--C6H6) No research on long-term effects e Destruction of homeowners property Use of extreme amounts of water to extract gas o Animal endangerment due to poisoned runoff Particulate matter (PM) is abnormally small and can enter the lungs


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