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通信天线概述 Overview概述 今天线的发展历史 今常见通信天线 工 History天线的发展历史 The antenna(aerial. EM radiator) is a device, which radiates or receives electroma gnetic waves The antenna is the transition between a guiding device(transmission ine, waveguide)and free space(or another usually unbounded medium Its main purpose is to convert the energy of a guided wave into the energ of a free-space wave (or vice versa) as efficiently as possible, while in the same time the radiated po er has a certain desired kttern of distribution n spuce 天线是用于发射和接收电磁波的装置。其主要用于将导行波的能量尽 可能高效地转换为自由空间波的能量,同时具有一定的辐射方向性。 tah bl ah 3 1 History天线的发展历史 James Clerk Maxwell formulates the mathematic al model of electromagnetism lectro-dynamics), A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism.1873. He show that light is an electromagnetic(EM) wave and that EM waves (light included) propagate through speed,which depends on the dielectric and the magnetic properties of the medium. 今1873年,JC麦克斯韦发表了一篇论文,把电力与磁力统一成单 的电磁理论。他指出光也是一种电磁波,所有的电磁波在同 媒质中的传播速度均相同。v=3∫ =0B+M 今天线的理论基础基于麦克斯韦方程组 at 电磁感应原理 V×noD 安培环路定理 电场高斯定律 V·D=P 磁场高斯定律 V·B=pn 1 History天线的发展历史 Heinrich Rudolph Hertz demonstrates in 1886 the first wireless EM wave system: a 1/2 dipole is excited with a spark: it radiates predominantly at about 2-8 m: a spark ppears in the gap of a receiving loop. Hertz discovers the photo that gravitation would also have a finite speed of propagation. In 1890, he publishes his memoirs on electrodynamics, simplifying the form of the electromagnetic equations placing all potentials by field strengths, and deducing Ohms Kirchhoffs and Coulombs 今1886年,HR赫兹从实验上证明了麦克斯韦的断言,即电磁作用 通过空气传播。他用电火花激励一个半波振子时,在接收环天线 中也出现了电火花。引入了场强概念,使得电磁场方程得以简化 5 1 History天线的发展历史 在获得更定向辐射需求的驱动下,赫兹又发明了反射器天线。 1888年,他用锌片制作了一个抛物柱面发射器天线,该天线由沿 着焦线放置的振子馈电,工作在455MHz 今补充以人名为单位的物理量 频率-赫兹 电流-安培,电压-伏特,电阻欧姆 电容法拉,电感亨利 工 History天线的发展历史 Guglielmo Marconi( the Father of Radio) sends signals over large distances. In 1901, h


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